Wednesday 16 September; Moon Books Live Talk and Discussion with Kenn Day, author of books on shamanism, hosted by Moon Books. Time: 7pm.
Wednesday 16 September; Introduction to Shamanic Journeying and Safe Ceremonial space. Start of four-session online course Hosted by Anthea Durand. Time: 7pm. Tickets · £160.
Wednesday 16 September (every Wednesday); Open Space Online Gathering via Zoom. Organised by Aho Studio, 13 Prince Edward Rd, London, E9 5LX. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £3.
Wednesday 16 September; New Moon Sound Journey. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets £5-£15. Time: 8.30pm.
16/17 September; Equinox Magical Activism: Online Ritual Series with Starhawk. This is September 16th 5:30pm Pacific Time (US), but 17 September at 1.30am UK time. Tickets: $30-$150.
Thursday 17 September; Women who Run With The Wolves Zoom group. First session in 7-session online course with Mooney Stories. Time: 2pm-7pm. Cost: £36 per session, £50 deposit for the course.
Thursday 17 September; Waking The Water Ceremony, organised by Sacred Earth Activism. A ritual to do at a water course near you, in your own time. Time: 4pm. Free event.
Thursday 17 September; Duchamp Versus Einstein. Talk and signing with Etan Ilfeld. Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details visit:
Thursday 17 September; Online Assap talk. Dr Peter McCue on 'The Alleged Haunting of Sandwood Bay'. Time: 7pm. Free event. Tickets limited to 100 and available first to Assap members, but can be booked by non-Assap members from Thursday morning. Email to reserve a place. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit
Thursday 17 September; The Magical Qabalah. Online workshop with Julian Vayne, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20.
Thursday 17 September; Meeting the Archetypes: King and Queen, with David and Kasia from Sacred Union. Online event via Zoom organised by Aho Studio. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.
Thursday 17 September; New Moon Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets £5-£120. Time: 7pm.
Thursday 17 September; Secret Histories: Templars, Rituals and Roman Ruins. Storytelling with Jason Buck. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £2-£10.
Friday 18 September; Elements of Magick 2020 Online. First in 6-session online course in the Reclaiming tradition, hosted by Irisanya Moon and Urania Tami Griffith. This is on Thursday 17 at 5pm Pacific Time (US), which is 1am on the Friday BST (UK). Tickets: $90-$240. Contact Irisanya at with questions.
Friday 18 September; Shakti Yoga. Online event with Dancing the Goddess. Time: 9am. Tickets: £10.
Friday 18 September;Psychic and Intuitive Skills Development. Online via Zoom with Mahesh Gordhan of the London School of Spirituality. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £5/£7.50.
Saturday 19 September; Working with the Goddess of Autumn Equinox. Online workshop with Sarah Jane Dennis through the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am - 4pm. Tickets: Members: £65, Non-members: £85.
Saturday 19 September; [THIS EVENT IS NOW A DOWNLOADABLE RECORDING, NOT LIVE] The Draug: Nordic folklore with Vanessa and George or London Dreamtime. Strictly limited places. Tickets: £10. Details:
Sunday 20 September; Alchemy Online workshop with Edwin Courtenay through the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am. Tickets: Members: £65, Non-members: £85.

Sunday 20 September; Equinox Divine I AM Transmission. Online event with Vaz Sriharan of the London Spirituality Meetup Group. Time: 7.30pm. Free.
Monday 21 September; Shakti Yoga - Awaken. Online event with Dancing the Goddess. Time: 7am. Tickets: £7.
Monday 21 September; Mindful Still Life Monday Sessions with London Drawing, via Zoom. Two sessions: 12.30pm and 6pm. Free, but donations welcome.
Monday 21 September; Astrology Circle - Jupiter. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £10-£25. Time: 6.30pm.

Tuesday 22 September and 29 September; Hypnosis and Trance for Magical Practice. Two-part workshop on Hypnosis and Trance For Magical Practice with Mark Vincent, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £40.
Tuesday 22 September; Mabon, the Autumn Equinox and Harvest Celebration with GreenSpirit. Online event with Zoom. Time 7pm.
Tuesday 22 September; Mabon, the Autumn Equinox and Harvest Celebration with GreenSpirit. Online event with Zoom. Time 7pm.
Tuesday 22 September; Introduction to Tarot. First class in four-week course on the symbology of the tarot and the basics of reading with Suzanne Corbie, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £100.
Tuesday 22 September; Autum Equinox Ceremony. Online event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £5-£20. Time: 7pm.
Tuesday 22 September (date tbc); Heron Drums Online Shamanic Drum Circle via Facebook or Zoom. Time: 7pm: Details:
Wednesday 23 September; Ancient Egypt – Exploring the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. Part one of five-week online course with John Billman. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £35 for TVAES Members, £40 for Non-Members. Booking:
Wednesday 23 September; Crossbones Autum Equinox Vigil livestreamed by Jennifer Cooper and Nicholas Greaves from Nicholas Greaves home-page. At 7pm on the 23rd of every month since June 2004, people have honoured the outcast dead of Crossbones Graveyard, Southwark, but at the moment this are virtual events. You an also do a solitary ritual in your own space, light a candle and say the words you can find here:
Wednesday 23 September; Wanderers: A History of Women Walking. Online talk by Kerri Andrews hosted by Reweirding: and Conway Hall. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £5-£20.
Wednesday 23 September; Chasing the Sun: British Myths and the Uffington White Horse. Online event with Jon Mason including stories and music. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · £5.
Thursday 24 September; Meeting the Archetypes: Priestess and Warrior, with David and Kasia from Sacred Union. Online event via Zoom organised by Aho Studio, 13 Prince Edward Rd, London, E9 5LX. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.
Thursday 24 September, Advanced Elemental Magic for Beginners. Online workshop with Julian Vayne, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20.
Thursday 24 September (every Thursday); Online Assap talk. Time: 7pm. Free event. Tickets limited to 100 and available first to Assap members, but can be booked by non-Assap members from Thursday morning. Email to reserve a place. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit
Thursday 24 September; London's Lost Artistic Worlds. An online salon with Danielle Thom and Devon Cox, organised by Antique Beat. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £4.50.
Friday 25 September - 16 October; Make Your Home a Temple - A Course in Home Energy Clearing. Eight-session online course with Goddess Awakening. Time: Mornings. Cost: £255.
Thursday 24 September (every Thursday); Online Assap talk. Time: 7pm. Free event. Tickets limited to 100 and available first to Assap members, but can be booked by non-Assap members from Thursday morning. Email to reserve a place. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit
Thursday 24 September; London's Lost Artistic Worlds. An online salon with Danielle Thom and Devon Cox, organised by Antique Beat. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £4.50.
Friday 25 September - 16 October; Make Your Home a Temple - A Course in Home Energy Clearing. Eight-session online course with Goddess Awakening. Time: Mornings. Cost: £255.
Friday 25 September; Herbal series - Rosemary. Online talk via Children of Circe, is a private pagan group run by Richard Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to watch the videos: Time: 8pm. Free event.
Saturday 26 - Sunday 27 September; Rural Gothic - two-day online conference organised by the Folklore Podcast. Tickets: £10.
Sunday 27 September (tbc); Autumn Ceremony with London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Beginners of Wicca and Paganism welcome. This is likely to be an online event. Time: 2pm. Tickets £5.
Disclaimer: Please note that I am not responsible for the content of any of these events. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical protection, this is *not* medical advice.
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