The official publication date is 11 December 2020, but deliveries are likely to reach specialist bookshops, including Treadwell's, in November. High street stores usually get copies a few weeks earlier than Amazon. I'd recommend advance ordering a copy from your local bookshop if you want to ensure getting one promptly.
Here is the description of Pagan Portals: Guided Visualisations from the back cover:
The journeys in this book are all ones using the mind – guided visualisations of doorways to go through, paths to follow, places to explore and encounters to experience. Guided visualisations use an interactive story to help people know themselves better, find solutions to problems and get ideas for creative projects. They can also be used as a well-being tool using relaxation techniques. Many guided visualisations also have spiritual aspects. Within this book are visualisations created for those on the paths of paganism, witchcraft and earth-based spirituality. They were written to follow the Wheel of the Year, embrace the power of the moon and the elements, and develop magical wisdom. Through the pages of this book you will be guided to amazing places. It will be an adventure...
On Friday 11 December I'll be doing an online launch event for the book. Please join me on Facebook Live to celebrate. I'll be offering a short guided visualisation to help you get into the Yuletide spirit. It is free to join in and you can find the details here:
You can see the details of all book on my author page at Moon Books and you can view Pagan Portals: Guided Visualisations on Amazon.
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