Monday, 15 February 2021

Call to Take Part in an Academic Survey on Croning

Amelie, who is doing a research project on Contemporary Ritual and Tradition module for her MA in Folklore Studies, is asking pagans and to answer a short survey on modern rituals of Queening or Croning to mark the threshold of a woman's entering these phases of their lives.

She said: "I think it's so important to get Goddess topics into academia and that these rituals deserve more attention as an antidote to our youth obsessed culture."

I've filled in the survey. If you would like to do so as well, here is the link: 

It should only take 10 minutes and it’s all anonymous unless people choose to leave an email for a possible follow up call.


philip said...

I have gone through what I call a Wizarding, which would be to some extent the equivalent for men of a croning. Would you like me to fill in the survey or would it be outside your terms of reference?

Badwitch said...

It isn't my survey, I just shared the link, but I'd say have a look at what the questions on it are and decide if it is something you want to fill in.