Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Magical Online & London Events in the Next Weeks

Here's a list of weird, wonderful and witchy events over the next week or so. Many are online, but an increasing number are outdoors and socially distanced. I generally list events in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. If you know an online or London-based ritual, talk, meeting or workshop you want included, please email me at

Wednesday 26 May (every Wednesday); Wellbeing Wednesdays with Nadine and Caitriona. Online event. Time: 12.30pm. Tickets: £6 per session or £20 per month. 

Wednesday 26 May,  Stargates - Stéphane Toussaint: 'Ficino and the Stars''. Online talk via the The Warburg Institute. Time: 5.30pm.

Wednesday 26 May and 2 June; Golden Dawn Astrology of the Major Arcana. Two-part workshop with  Suzanne Corbie. Via Zoom with Treadwell's Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £40/£36.

Wednesday 26 May; Full Moon Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Time: 7pm. Tickets £5-£20.

Wednesday 26 May; Waking the Witch - Tools of the Trade. Online event by Rain McManus. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.

Wednesday 26 May; Cord Cutting Meditation with Lucy Porter. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £5-£20. Time: 7pm.

Wednesday 26 May; Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual and Eclipse magic with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Meet at the Millennium Bridge on the Thames Embankment, · London. Time: 7.45pm. Tickets £5, you  must reserve a place.

Wednesday 26 May (every Wednesday); The Witching Hour on the Witches Inn YouTube channel. Time 8pm. Free.

Wednesday 26 May; Hertford and Ware Pagan Moot: Earth. Online event looking at the elements. Time: 8pm. Free.

Thursday 27 May; Work with Shamanism to Grow Personally and Professionally. Online event with Harriet Goudard every Thursday. Time: 10am. Free.
Thursday 27 May; Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 for non members.

Thursday 27 May;  Inner Alchemy. Online talk by author Zulma Reyo via Watkins Bookshop. Time: 5.30pm. Tickets: free.

Thursday 27 May; Astrology Circle: Asteroids (every Thursday). Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £5-£20. Time: 7pm.

Thursday 27 May; Gods, Spirits and Servitors. Online workshop led by Julian Vayne, author of Chaos Craft, via Treadwell's. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: online live £20, delayed viewing of recorded lecture £18.

Thursday 27 May; Alex Matsuo on "Processing Trauma and Expression of Self Through Paranormal Exploration." Online ASSAP talk. Time: 7pm. Free event. Tickets available to ASSAP members. To join for £5 per year, visit

Thursday 27 May; The Pagan Federation Lectures: Talk 5: Shamanic Witchcraft
Free  · online event. Time: 8pm.

Thursday 27 May; Make Your Own Magic Breathwork (every other Thursday). Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £5-£20. Time: 8.30pm.

Friday 28 May; Mystic Chat with Jason Mankey. Free  · online event. Time:01am.

Friday 28 May (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free event.

Friday 28 May; Crossing The Threshold Consciously Or Unconsciously? Event on Zoom through Rudolf Steiner House. Time: 7.30pm. Free.

Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 May; WitchCrafter’s Online Full Moon Pagan Market. Free  · online event. Starts 10am.

Saturday 29 May; Witchfest Midlands Online. Day of talks, workshops and entertainment online. Starts: 10.30am.

Saturday 29 May; Herbal Series 2: Mint. Online talk via Children of Circe, a private pagan group run by Richard Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to take part. Time: 6pm. Free event.

Sunday 30 May (every Sunday); Kambo with Marco and Susie. In-person event organised by Aho Studio. Venue: 12 Old Manor Yard, London SW5 9AB. Time: noon. Tickets: £50. 

Sunday 30 May; Open Women's Circle. In-person event by by Rising in Sisterhood at INCENTRE, Lancaster Gate, London. Time: 6.30pm. Price tbc.

Monday 31 May (every Monday); Mindful Still Life Monday Sessions with London Drawing, via Zoom. Two sessions: 12.30pm and 6pm. Free, but donations welcome.

Monday 31 May (every Monday); Mindful Mondays with Caitriona of Be Happiest. Online event. Time 7pm. Tickets: £7 per session or £25 per month. 

Monday 31 May; How to Know Higher Worlds. Study and conversation group on Zoom hosed by Dr Sue Peat and Philip Martyn, through Rudolf Steiner House. Free. Time: 7pm.

Monday 31 May; Divination. Online talk with Rebecca Beattie, author of Nature Mystics, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20/£18.

Tuesday 1 June; Empath Self Care (every other Tuesday). Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £5-£20. Time: 7pm.

Tuesday 1 June (first Tuesday each month); The Witches' Inn Online Moot. Time: 8pm. Free event.

Wednesday 2 June; Working with the Spirit Doctors and the Spirit World. Start of 6-eveing online course with Susan Gash via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 5pm. Tickets £160.

Wednesday 2 June; Marseille Tarot Major Arcana. Start of four-session course with Adrien Mastrosimone  via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £100.

Wednesday 2 June (tbc); Drumming and Meditation Online with Taz Thornton. Monthly event, first Wednesday of the month. Time: 7pm Price: free.

Wednesday 2 June;  Mexican Mask Rituals. Zoom Lecture by  Phyllis Galembo through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Online event. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Wednesday 2 June; Calming Sound Journey. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Time: 8.30pm. Tickets £5-£15.

Thursday 3 June; Into the Bronze Age: walking Greenwich. Walk organised by Museum of London. Meeting details sent after booking. Time: 11am. Tickets: £22/£18.

Thursday 3 June; The Alchemical Tarot of Marseille. Online talk by Robert M. Place via Watkins Bookshop. Time: 5.30pm. Tickets: free.

Thursday 3 June; Happy Birthday Gemini. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Time: tbc. Tickets £15.

Thursday 3 June (tbc); Shooting the Wild Witch Breeze. Facebook Live Chat with Rachel Patterson and Elen Sentier. A new chat video usually every two weeks on a Thursday. Time: 7pm.  Free.

Friday 4 June; Drum Birthing with Lynn Gosney and Bruce Scott. One-day in-person event. Venue: Shamanic Centre Caer Corhrain, Kent.  Starts 8.45am. Fees: 16 inch £195 / 18 inch £225.

Friday 4 June; Encounters with Spirits and Faeries with Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone. Talk organised by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10. 

Friday 4 – Sunday 6 June; Magickal Women Conference 2021: Three days of online talks via Zoom, through the Magickal Women Partnership. Tickets: £20/£50/£100.

Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 June; Moon Con 21. Two days of online talks, panels and Q/A live sessions with a whole host of Moon Books authors. I will be giving a talk at 3pm on 5 June about Magic for the Month. The entire event starts at 10am. Free to attend and you don't need a ticket.

Sunday 6 June; Woodspirits in June - Elder. Outdoor meeting in Lee Valley Park, London. Time: 5pm. Free, but you have to be a member of the group to attend.

Sunday 6 June;  The Botanical Mind: Art, Mysticism and The Cosmic Tree . Zoom lecture by Gina Buenfeld through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Online event. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Notes: I am not responsible for the content of these events except my talk at MoonCon21. Contact the organisers directly with questions. I generally list things in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice. If you are attending an in-person event, make sure you are aware of regulations regarding meetings.

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