Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Shopping: My Wonderful Witchy Find in a Real Shop!

Over the bank holiday weekend I went proper clothes shopping for the first time in well over a year, and the picture shows one of the bargains I bought. I found this starry top on a sale rail in Matalan for just £3.50. I guess it was left over from last winter, but it looks pretty witchy to me and I know I'll love wearing it.

I'm really enjoying the extra freedom we're getting at the moment, including eating out (al fresco) and visiting museums as well as shopping. Nevertheless, despite being vaccinated, I'm still being careful by wearing a mask in shops, cleaning my hands and keeping a sensible distance where possible. 

Before writing this post I looked back at my blog and the last post I wrote about random shopping trips was a charity shop find in February 2020. I can definitely see a charity shop hunt happening again soon!

What did you do over the bank holiday? Do leave a comment!


Jane said...

It's gorgeous, Lucya. What a brilliant find!

Badwitch said...

Thank you!

Jane said...

Guess who couldn't resist popping down to Matalan yesterday. Mission successful! Hope you don't mind me being a copycat, but you are something of an influencer!