Monday, 30 August 2021

My Talks & Workshops: Scrying, Poppets & Autumn Magic

I'm Lucya Starza and as well as writing A Bad Witch's Blog I'm the author of  books in the Pagan Portals series on Candle Magic, Guided Visualisations, Poppets and Magical Dolls, and Scrying. I also edited Every Day Magic. This autumn I'm giving talks and workshops on scrying, poppets, and autumn magic. Some are online and some are in-person. Here are the details:

September Magic: Online with Facebook Live

On Friday 3 September, I'll be giving a free talk on Magic for the Month of September. I'll be covering festivals, the signs of autumn, and equinox lore. It will be online on Facebook Live at 4pm. Here's the Facebook link: The recording will then be put on my YouTube channel, which you can find by searching for Lucya Starza.  

Scrying and a Guided Visualistion at the  Sussex Faerie Festival

The Sussex Faerie Festival runs from Friday 10 to Sunday 12 September. It's a three-day event with camping, live music, a market, workshops, yoga, drumming and hot showers in Alfriston, in the Sussex Downs. I'll be giving a guided visualisation called The Magic Mirror in the Enchanted Tower, and running a scrying workshop. Tickets for the entire festival are £77 for 3 days' camping, and £27 for one day and one night camping. Here are the details:

October Magic: Online with Facebook Live

On Friday 1 October, I'll be giving a free talk on Magic for the Month of October, covering Samhain, Halloween, Apple Day and more. You can find it on Facebook Live at 4pm. Free.

London Month of the Dead: Poppet and Scrying Workshops

Each October; London Month of the Dead is a month-long festival. This year there are online talks every Tuesday and in-person lectures, concerts, workshops and guided walks every weekend. I will be giving an in-person workshop on poppets on 2 October in Kensal Green Cemetery and a scrying workshop on 23 October. Tickets for individual events are £12-£20. You can find the full programme here:

Online Talk on Poppets for ASSAP

On Thursday 7 October I'm going to be giving an online talk for ASSAP about poppets and magical dolls. It starts at 7pm and is free, with tickets available to ASSAP members. To join for £5 per year, visit

You can find more about me and my books at my author page at publisher Moon Books, and on my Amazon author page.

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