Monday, 15 November 2021

The Sounds of Harry Price's Psychical Research Lab

Senate House in London currently has an installation which re-imagines the National Laboratory of Psychical Research of paranormal investigator Harry Price from 1925-1930. It includes scientific equipment he used as well as objects intended to detect unseen psychic forces. What brings the displays to life are recordings made by Harry Price and his associates during their experiments as well as interviews he gave and sounds that might just possibly be evidence of supernatural.forces at work.

The installation uses modern technology to demonstrate sounds captured by the technology of 100 years ago, as visitors use their smartphones with a specially created app. I'll be honest and say the app isn't perfect. I wasn't able to download it on my rather old phone and had to share my husband's iPhone, but it was worth it. I found the event fascinating. It might not have summoned up any spirits, but it definitely evoked the atmosphere of psychical research in the 1920s.

The pictures on this post are ones I took when I visited. The Sound Installation: National Laboratory of Psychical Research runs until tomorrow, Tuesday 16 November. It's free but you're supposed to book tickets at You can turn up to see if there have been any last-minute cancellations, but you might have to hang around and wait.

The venue is the Court Room, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU and the installation is open from 10am to 5pm. It's not far from Treadwell's esoteric bookshop in Store Street and very close to the British Museum.

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