Monday, 28 February 2022

Pictures: Scrying Workshop & Signing at Treadwell's

On Saturday I was at Treadwell's bookshop in London to launch my latest book Pagan Portals - Scrying, and here are some pictures taken on the day. 

In the top photo you can see me sitting at a table at the front of the shop signing copies, overlooked by the rather fabulous Treadwell's mummy. It was great to chat with people who turned up to say hello as well.

Before the signing session I ran an in-person scrying workshop in the downstairs event space. The previous time I taught a class there was almost exactly two years ago, and it was wonderful to be back. During that gap, the area has been completely refurbished. I was really impressed with how gorgeous it looks. At the bottom of this post you can see a photo I took after setting up the tables before the start of the workshop. 

I was particularly impressed with the new lighting arrangments. It's very important to be able to get the lighting right when people are gazing into crystal balls or bowls of water in the hope of seeing visions and messages. The refurbishment had taken that kind of thing into consideration so it was very easy to adjust the light levels and get them them perfect. 

The other photo shows copies of Pagan Portals - Scrying on the shelf in the psychic section. If you look very carefully you can also see copies of my earlier book Pagan Portals - Guided Visualisations just a little further along. If you weren't able to get to the events but want a signed copy, the shop still has some available. Treadwells is at 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS and is normally open from midday until 7pm. You can order books online as well as getting tickets for events at

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