Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Magical Online & London Events in the Next Weeks

 Here's a list of magical events over the next week or so with a mixture of online things you can do anywhere and in-person events in or near London - with some festivals further away. 

Now to 17 July; The World of Stonehenge. Exhibition at the British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Tickets: £20/£10/free for members.
Every Wednesday and Friday; Open Days at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am - 4pm. Free, just pop in.

Wednesday 18 May; The Musical Fairytale Forest. Family friendly and inclusive entertainment as part of the Dulwich Festival. Venue: Peace and Riot, 12 Croxted Road, London, SE21 8SP. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £9.21 – £13.52.

Wednesday 18 and 25 May; Tarot Series - Cards of Challenge. Online workshop with Kasia Gwilliam via She's Lost Control.  Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Wednesday 18 May; Night Sky of the Vikings part 3. Part of online course with Imelda Almqvist, author of North Sea Water in my Veins. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £120 for the entire course.

Wednesday 18 May (every Wednesday); The Witching Hour on the Witches Inn YouTube channel. Time 8pm. Free.

Thursday 19 May; Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 for non members.

Thursday 19 May - 25 September. Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic. Exhibition at the British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Tickets: £12/£10.40/free for members.

Thursday 19 May; Talk on a paranormal subject for ASSAP members. Time: 7pm. Free event, with Zoom link details emailed out to members. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit

Thursday 19 May - 30 June; Recognise and Clear Negative Energy. Online 6-session evening class with Martha Brett via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £160.

Thursday 19 May; Knights Templar Series: The Templar Heresy Trials. Online event by Dr Nicholas Morton via Heritage Lincolnshire. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £7.06 – £9.21. Tickets:

Thursday 19 May; A Flood of Ancestral Memory – Landscape Magic and the Eagle’s Eye. Online lecture by Caroline Wise, author of Finding Elen: The Quest for Elen of the Ways, via the Magickal Women Conference. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10.

Thursday 19 May - 28 July; A Journey with Spirit. Online 10-session evening class with Gary Wright via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £220.

Thursday 19 May; Thelema, Qabalah and Thoth - A Magical Conversation. Lon Milo DuQuette talks with Julian Vayne via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10/£8.

Thursday 19 May;  Ancient Egypt - Pyramid Power with Katie Jane Wright. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35.

Thursday 19 May - 14 July; Norse Mythology: The Grove of Hidden Roots. Online 8-session evening class with Andreas Kornevall via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £200.

Thursday 19 May; Poetry Evening. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London · NW1 6XT. Time: 7.30pm. Entry: Free.

Thursday 19 May; Vodou and Art: Between the altar and the market. Lecture by Leah Gordon on zoom via Zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Thursday 19 May; The Trickster: An Online folklore talk with Cunning Folk. Online event. Time: 8pm, Free but donations welcome.

Friday 20 May (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.

Friday 20- Sunday 22 May; Sussex Faerie Festival with camping, live music, a market, workshops, yoga, drumming and hot showers. At 2pm on the Saturday I will be running a free poppet-making workshop as part of the activities. Venue: Alfriston in the Sussex Downs. Tickets: £65 for 3 days' camping, and £30 for one day.

Friday 20 May; Meditation Session Global Fusion Music and Arts Free Stuff. Time: Time: 6.15pm. Free online event.

Friday 20 May; Yoga with Gobal Fusion Music and Arts Free Stuff. Time: 7.30pm. Free online event.

Friday 20- Sunday 22 May; Visionary Company presents 'Albion, Awake! William Blake Live on Stage'. Venue: Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2TH. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £16.76.

Saturday 21 May; Goddess Day with Goddess Enchantments. An experiential day on the Goddess Diana led by Caroline Wise and Carrie Kirkpatrick. Venue: Highgate, North London, near the tube. Time: 10.45am - 6.45pm. Price: £65.

Saturday 21 May - 28 July; Weaving Celtic Wisdom. Online 10-session class with Gary Wright via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am-1pm. Tickets: £230.

Sunday 22 May; Waking the Dragons. Online class with Andreas Kornevall via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am-5pm. Tickets: £105.

Sunday 22 May; Legends of Ancient Egypt. Online event by Jason Buck Storyteller. Time: 6pm. Tickets · £2.50-£9.50

Sunday 22 May; The Spiritualism Symposium: Nature, Enchantment, Paranormal. Lecture by Jack Hunter by Zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Monday 23 May (every 23rd of the month); Crossbones Vigil to honour the outcast dead of Crossbones Graveyard, Southwark. Location: Redcross Way, London, SE1 1TA. Time: 6.45pm for 7pm. Free. Details here: 

Monday 23 and 30 May; Candlelit Lunar Yoga. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15 per session.

Monday 23 May; Psychic Development Circle. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £40.

Monday 23 May; The Archetype of Uranus and the Evolution of Consciousness. Online talk on astrology by Rabekah Hirsch via the Astrological Lodge of London. Time: 7pm. Tickets £10.

Monday 23 May; Witch Bottles. Workshop with Rebecca Beattie, author of Nature Mystics, via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20/£18.

Monday 23 May; Psychophysiological investigation of trance mediums. Online talk by Dr Marco Bastos Jr via The Society for Psychical Research. Time: 8pm. Tickets free for members, £5 non-members.

Monday 23 May; Free Webinar on House Clearing and Home Portals with Goddess Awakening. Online. Time: 8pm.

Monday 23 May; Branwen, daughter of Llyr. Lecture by Dr Mark Williams as part of the Celtic Myth collection on zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Monday 23 May; Dignities and Debilities in Nativities (1). Online astrology talk by Wanda Sellar via the Astrological Lodge of London. Time:  8.30pm. Tickets: £10.

Tuesday 24 May (and other dates); Sensual Awakening Tea Ceremony and Feminine Embodiment. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £45.

Tuesday 24 May; Remembering Your Voice: A Voice Reclamation Workshop with Jasmin Harsomo. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £45.

Tuesday 24 May; Damh the Bard in Conversation with Julian Vayne via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10/£8.

Tuesday 24 May; Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente. Online talk by Professor Ronald Hutton. Part of the Doreen Valiente 100th Year Celebration collection by The Doreen Valiente Foundation. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £7.06.

Tuesday 24 May; The Andean Cosmovision. Online class with Puma Quispe via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £75.

Tuesday 24 May; Gong Bath/Sound Meditation for Relaxation - with Sara Ubaldi. Venue: Carnegie Library, Herne Hill, 192 Herne Hill Road, London, SE240AG. Time: 7.45pm. Tickets: £22.15- £32.93.

Tuesday 24 May; The Fragrant Garden: Aromatherapy and Gemstones for Prosperity. Free online event with Llewellyn Worldwide. Starts: 10.45pm.

Wednesday 25 May; Meditations and Mantras to Open the Heart. Online class with Gemma Bliss via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Wednesday 25 May; Goddess Crowns and Pagan God Circlets. Workshop with Hannah Sanders via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20/£18.

Wednesday 25 May; A History of Delusions. Talk by Victoria Shepherd, in-person and online. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Time: 7.15 Tickets: £8 / £5. Also livestreamed tickets £5.

Wednesday 25 May (tbc but usually last Wednesday every month); Talk at Hertford Moot. Venue: The White Horse, 33 Castle Street, Hertford, Time: 8pm.

Wednesday 25 May (tbc but usually 3rd Wednesday every month); Witches of Zoom Gathering. Online event by Witches of Zoom CoA Gathering and Children of Artemis. Time: 7:30pm. Free.

Thursday 26 May; Heresy, Sorcery, Royalty and a Witch. A history of Margery Jourdemayne by Deborah Hyde. Online talk via  Skeptics in the Pub. Time: 6.45pm

Thursday 26 May; Magical Qabalah Introduced. Evening class with Julian Vayne  via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20/£18.

Thursday 26 May; Demystifying Tantra with Henika Patel. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35.

Thursday 26 May;  An Evening with…Catharine Allan author of A Little Bit of Intuition. Venue: The Gardner Room at The Atlantis Bookshop,  49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY.  Time: 7pm. Cost £10.

Friday, 27 May Drum Taster Workshop with Ras Prince by Way Wive Wordz. Venue: 65-67 High Street Colliers Wood - London SW19 2JF. Time: 7pm. Tickets: Free

Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May; Exploring Celtic Plants, looking at their properties and making oils, ointments, teas and tinctures from them. Weekend workshop by Angela Paine, Venue: St Luke’s Therapy Centre, 53 Cainscross Rd, Stroud, GL5 4EX. Time: 10am-4pm. Bring and share lunch. Teas provided. Tickets: £70. Contact Angela on 44 7477 583232 by 30th April to ensure a place.
Saturday 28 May; Witchfest Midlands 2022. Venue: Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2DF. Starts: 10am. Tickets: · £28/£21.

Saturday 28 May; Fertility Series: Conscious Conceiving With Ayurveda. In-person event via She's Lost Control. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 10am. Tickets: £45.

Sunday 29 May (and other dates); Drury Lane - a guided walk by Minimum Labyrinth. Meet at Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5QD. Time: 11.30am. Tickets: from £19.50. This includes a lunch stop but the cost of food is not included in the ticket price.

Sunday 29 May; Moonology Dark Moon Ceremony with Yasmin Boland. On Facebook Live. Time: 5.30pm. Free.

Sunday 29 May; Erotic Witchcraft's Legacy and Practice. Lecture by Gabriela Herstik  via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.

Sunday 29 May; Cacao Connection Circle by Bare Necessities Yoga. Online event. Time: 7pm. Tickets: by donation.

Sunday 29 May; Moonology Dark Moon Ceremony with Yasmin Boland. On Facebook Live. Time: 8.30pm. Free.

Notes: I am not responsible for the content of these events except my own poppet workshop. I don't always know about changes or cancellations - tbc means to be confirmed. Contact event organisers directly if you have questions. I generally list things in the UK, especially in or near London as well as festivals and conferences further afield and some online things outside that time zone. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice.

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