Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Practical Paganism: Watching the Solstice Sunrise in Bed

I watched the Solstice sunrise from my bedroom window this morning, and also watched the dawn livestreamed from Stonehenge by English Heritage on my laptop. It reminded me that we are lucky to be able to do that these days - one of the few good things that emerged during the pandemic of the last couple of years.

Last night I'll admit I was feeling a bit grumpy. Ideally I'd have liked to go to the top of a hill to watch the sunrise in person in a more spectacular way than I can from my own home. A large tree in my neighbour's garden obscures the view to the east. An important commitment today meant staying at home was the realistic option for me and my husband John, so that's what we did. However, at 4.30am, when my alarm went off, I was not unhappy to be able to make a cup of tea and snuggle back under the duvet then enjoy two views of the sunrise.

Wherever you were when the sun rose this morning, I hope you have a very happy June Solstice 2022!

The photos on this page show the predawn from my bedroom window, sunrise through the trees from ny bedroom window, and a screen grab if the livestream from Stonehenge. You can still watch the whole thing recorded on English Heritage's YouTube channel.

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