Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Magical Online & London Events in the Next Weeks

Here's a list of weird, wonderful and witchy events over the next week or so with a mixture of online and in-person things to do. I generally list events in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. If you know an online or London-based event you want included, please email 

Now -10 December; Creative Spirits Art Exhibition. Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-5pm. Details:

Now to 6 January 2023; Wicked Spirits? Witchcraft and Magic. Exhibition at Colchester Castle, Essex, CO1 1TJ.  The Museum is also running some after-hours events. 

Now to 13 November; Dancing with Trees Art exhibition with photography and sound. Venue: The Muse, 269 Portobello Road, London, W11 1LR. Gallery opens at noon.
Now to 19 February 2023; Hieroglyphs: Unlocking Ancient Egypt. Exhibition at the Sainsbury Gallery at the British Museum, London. Find out more here:

Every Wednesday and Friday; Open Days at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am - 4pm. Free, just pop in.

Now - 10 November; Samhainfest 2022 at Mystery School of the Goddess. Online events with a Samhain ritual led by Priestess Kimberly Moore and a reading of Brigit Death Poetry with Mael Brigde. Register at

Now - 5 November;  Beyond the Veil Summit Free Online Event. Organised via Llewellyn Worldwide and Past Life Lady. Free online event. Starts 1pm.

Wednesday 2 November; Covid-19 Memorial Ceremony for Day of the Dead. Venue: Latin American House, 10 Kingsgate Place, London, NW6 4TATime: 6.30pm. Tickets: free but you must reserve a place.

Wednesday 2 November (first Wednesday of the month); Drumming and Meditation online with Taz Thornton. Time: 7pm Price: free.

Wednesday 2 November; Lincolnshire Witches; Spellcrafting workshop. Online event via Heritage Lincolnshire. Time: 7pm. Tickets from £11.37.

Wednesday 2 November; Making Magical Altars. Workshop-Class with Hannah Sanders. Online via Treadwell's Bookshop. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10.

Wednesday 2 November; Sensory Gong and Sound Bath. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £40.

Wednesday 2 November; Awakening Wednesdays: Online Drop-in Group with Harry MacDonald via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £10 (free for members).

Wednesday 2 November;  Samhain - stories of ghosts and the darker face of faerie by Hugh Lupton through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 9pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Thursday 3 November (and other dates); Morning Meditation. Free online event via Mirthy. Time: 9am.

Thursday 3 November (and other dates); Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 non members.

Thursday 3 November; The First Ghosts. Talk by Irving Finkel. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 19-21 Cecil Court, · London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 5.30pm. Free event.

Thursday 3 November;  Leonora Carrington, Drawing Tarot. Onine talk followed by practical drawing workshop via London Drawing Group. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets by donation.

Thursday 3 November; Fem-Animist Alchemy. Online talk with esoteric artist Hazel Florez via Magickal Women and Company. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10.

Thursday 3 November (every Thursday); Talk on a paranormal subject for ASSAP members. Time: 7pm. Free event, with Zoom link details emailed out to members. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit

Thursday 3 November; Elemental Fire Circle and Gong Healing. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30.

Thursday 3 November; PF London Samhain Open Ritual with AV Coven and Luna Iter via Pagan Federation London. Venue: Pirate Castle, Gilbey's Wharf Oval Road NW1 7EA London, UK Time: 7pm. Entry £8 for PF members, £10 for non-members.

Thursday 3 November; Discovering Your Psychic Self. Start of 6-week online class with Jeremy Turner-Welch, via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £175.

Thursday 3 November; Mantra and the Power of Sound. Online talk by Ann Mathie via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £16.

Thursday 3 November; Spiritual Abduction: ETs, NDEs and DMT. Online talk by Pascal Michael through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Friday 4 November (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.

Friday 4 November; 'Tutankhamun 100' online tour via the Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology. Time: 4pm. Free but tip-supported, booking essential

Friday 4 November (and other dates); Mind, Body Restore Online Yoga. Time: Time: 6.15pm. Free online event.

Friday 4 November (and other dates); Laughter Playshop. Time: Time: 7pm. Free online event but £2 donations welcome.

Friday 4 and 11 November;  Lincolnshire Witches; Shadow Work Part 1 and 2. Online event via Heritage Lincolnshire. Time: 7pm. Tickets £17.84 – £26.46.

Thursday 3 November; Drum Healing. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Friday 4 November (and other dates); Free Meditation Session Online. Time: 7.30pm.

Friday 4 November; The Witches Circle Monthly Class. Venue: Kallima Wellbeing Centre, 8A Adam Business Centre, Cranes Farm Rd, Basildon, SS14 3JF. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £16.76.

Friday 4 November; Hex and the City - immersive theatre walk about the history of London's witches. Time: 8pm. Tickets: from £14.

Saturday 5 November; Black Lotus Kult Annual Celebration: One Beyond Ten - A Celebration of the works of Kenneth and Steffi Grant.  Caroline Wise will give an illustrated talk on  Kenneth Grant’s London Town. London venue, details of location and times sent to those who book.

Saturday 5 November;  A Visionary Afternoon of Art and Auras. In-person workshop with Katja Tschährä. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £65. .

Saturday 5 November; Show and Share: Visions of the Occult. Tate Archivist Victoria Jenkins guiding a tour of books, drawings, photographs, and other objects on witchcraft, folklore and pagan rituals, demonology, magic, astrology, and tarot. This is followed by projector show, a panel, performances and film screenings with guests Lally MacBeth, Emma Sharples and Jamie Sutcliffe. Venue: Tate Archive, Millbank, London SW1P 4RG. Time: 1pm-5.45pm. Tickets £30, including a copy of Victoria's new book, Visions of the Occult

Saturday 5 November; Gods of the Underworld: Persephone, Hades, Demeter. Online workshop with Joanna LaPrade via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £75.

Saturday 5 November;  Ghosted: Meet the Wild Woman Within. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £35.

Saturday 5 November; The OBOD Online Samhain Ceremony by Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Time: 7pm. Free.

Saturday 5 November; Online launch event for Rachel Patterson's latest book - A Witch for Every Season. Free online talk and a book giveaway. Time: 7pm.

Saturday 5 November (and other dates); Magic, Witchcraft and Paranormal Walk with Nigel. Starts at Saint Paul's Churchyard, London. Starts at 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Sunday 6 November; Communication from Beyond the Veil. Online workshop with Gerrie March via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £80.

Sunday 6 November; Manifesting with the Ancestors and Goddesses. Online workshop with Abiola Abrams via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 3pm. Tickets: £75.

Sunday 6 November (first Sunday of the month); Samhain with Woodspirits. Meet at Cheshunt station before walking to Lee Valley Park. Time: 3pm. Free in-person event for members of Woodspirits group.

Sunday 6 November; Full Moon Event with Peace Fires. Light a candle or fire for peace wherever you are in the world, for just for 10 minutes or an hour or longer and state the intention: “Let there be peace on earth and love for one another.” Free. Details:

Sunday 6 November; Storytelling Open Mic- Fire and Water. Venue: Electric Elephant Cafe, 186A Crampton Street, London, SE17 3AE, Time: 3pm, but earlier if you want to order food. Suggested donation £5.

Sunday 6 November; Woodland Bard Online - Pine. Event by Walkwithtrees. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £7.

Sunday 6 and 13 November;  Roleplaying the Occult Imagination. Two-session workshop with Peter Bebergal and Gareth Branwyn. Online via Treadwell's Bookshop. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30.

Sunday 6 November; Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life – a Zoom lecture by Ruth Franklin through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Monday 7 November;  Listening to the Sybil: Agency, Prophecy and the Female Voice. Online talk by Gen Doy via London Drawing Group. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets by donation.

Monday 7 November; Reincarnation: Life after Life. Online talk on astrology by Colyn Boyce via the Astrological Lodge of London. 60 Gloucester Place. Time: 7pm. Tickets £10.

Monday 7 November; Lunar Eclipse Ritual-Workshop: screaming circle. Venue: Ugly Duck 49 Tanner Street London SE1 3PL. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £5.98.

Monday 7 November (every Monday); Candlelit Lunar Yoga. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15 per session.

Monday 7 November (and other dates); Triple Moon Gong Meditation.  Venue: Telegraph Hill Centre - The Narthex, Kitto Rd, Lewisham, London, SE14 5TY. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £20.

Monday 7 November; How the Freemasons Made the Modern World. Zoom talk by Prof. John Dickie via The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Monday 7 November;  "I Am Not a Witch!" - Free Online Samhain Ceremony to Heal the Ancestral Wounds of Betrayal. Time: 7.30pm.

Monday 7 November; The Hermetic Journey Through the Zodiac (3). Online talk on astrology by Smiljana Gavrancic via The Astrological Lodge of London. Time:  8.30pm. Tickets: £10.

Tuesday 8 November; Women's Full Moon Circle for the Beaver Moon - part of the Women's Circles collection by The Reformed Bohemian. Online event. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £15.

Tuesday 8 November; I Am Calm Radical Rest Circle. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Tuesday 8 November; Ithell Colquhoun: Symbols of the Magian World. Online talk by Dr Richard Shillitoe via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £16.

Tuesday 8 November; Full Moon Ceremony by the Thames, Central London with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Meet near the Millennium Bridge, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets £5 and you must reserve a place.

Tuesday 8 November; Moonology Full Moon Ritual (Taurus) with Yasmin Boland. On Facebook Live. Time: 7pm. Free.

Tuesday 8, 15, 22 and 29 November;  Learning the Tarot's Minor Cards. Four-week course with
Adrien Mastrosimone  via Treadwell online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £100.

Tuesday 8 November (second Tuesday every month);  Lucid Dream Drawing. Talk by artist Dave Green at Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub. Venue: Davy’s Wine Vaults, 161 Greenwich High Road, London SE10 8JA. Time: 7.30pm. Suggested donation: £3.

Tuesday 8 November; Stories of Mists and Mushrooms. Online event by Jason Buck Storyteller, Amelia Armande and Joshua Crisp. Time: 7.30pm.  Tickets · £3-£15.

Tuesday 8 November; Devil's Gateway – Daughters of Eve in the Middle Ages. Zoom talk by Prof E Archibald via The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Wednesday 9, 16 and (optionally) 19 November;  Applied Chaos Magic. Two/three-session workshop with Julian Vayne on the hands-on use of chaos magic. Nov 9 and 16 are online classes, plus an optional in-person ritual on Nov 19 via Treadwells. Ritual venue: 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £40/£50.

Wednesday 9 and 16 November; Practical Energy Magic. Zoom course by David Lee via The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7pm. Tickets · from £52.84.

Wednesday 9 November; (every Wednesdays); Evening Sound Bath Meditation. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £15.

Wednesday 9 November; Full Moon In Taurus Circle. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £15-£25.

Thursday 10 November; Shadowlands: A Journey Through Lost Britain. Free Facebook Live talk  by Historian Matthew Green via The Churches Conservation Trust. Time: 12.50pm.

Thursday 10 November; Auspicious Symbols for Luck and Healing Oracle Deck. Free online talk by Alison DeNicola via Watkins Bookshop. Time: 5.30pm. Free event.

Thursday 10 November; The Witches Garden: A talk by the Seed SistAs Online via The South London Botanical Institute. Time: 7pm. Tickets by donation.

Thursday 10 November; Shamanic Plant Spirit Ceremony. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Thursday 10 November; More Mythical Creatures in Scandinavian Folklore. Zoom talk by Lena Heide-Brennand via The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Thursday 10 November; Elizabethan Faerie Lore. A talk with Cunning Folk via South East London Folklore Society. Venue: The Electric Elephant Cafe, 186A Crampton Street, London, SE17 3AE,  Time: 8pm, Free but donations of £5/£3 welcome.

Friday 11 November (and other dates); New Moon, Full Moon or Divine Union Cacao Ceremony, Heart Ritual and Gong Bath  Private Location near Wandsworth Town/Clapham Junction.  Time: 7pm. Tickets: £27.54.

Friday 11 November; Full Moon Sekhem Sound Healing. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Saturday 12 November; Spellcraft and Magic workshop for Beginners with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Outdoors in Queen's Wood, Highgate, North London. Meet at the Woodman Pub at noon to walk to the site. Tickets: £13.

Saturday 12 November; Women Heart Circle with Moon Circles, Ceremonies, Meditations and More. Venue: Tooting, London SW17. Time: noon. Tickets: by donation.

Saturday 12 November; I Am Protected: Protection Spells for Body, Mind and Heart. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £35.

Saturday 12 November; Creating Psychic Art: Practice and Implementation,. In-person workshop with Jan Arden. Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB.. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £65.

Saturday 12 November; The Thoth Tarot Deck: An Introduction. Online workshop with Catharine Allan via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £80.

Saturday 12 November; Secret Storytelling: The Highgate Vampire. Storytelling for adulsts with London Dreamtime. Venue: A secret woodland location in N19. Time: 2.45pm. Tickets £15.

Saturday 12 November; November - Walking The Wheel with the Goddess Kali-Ma. Workshop. Venue: Wicca Moon, 50 Well Hall Road, London SE9 6SH. Time: 3pm. Tickets: £20.

Saturday 12 November; London Witches. Walking Tour with Maria Beadell organised by Treadwells. Meet outside Farringdon Tube Station. Time: 8pm start. Tickets: £16.50.

Saturday 12 November; Spider Dance. Tradition, Time and Healing in South Italy. Zoom talk by Giovanna Parmigiani via The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Sunday 13 November; The British Museum and the Awakening of English Magic. Walking Tour with Caroline Wise organised by Treadwell's of Bloomsbury. Meeting at the British Museum, London. Time: 11am. Ticket price £28. or reserve a place by visiting the shop.

Sunday 13 November (tbc but usually second Sunday of the month); Luna Iter Ritual. In-person ritual in Hackney, East London for members of the group. Meet at the Pembury Tavern, 90 Amhurst Rd, London, from 4.30pm, moving on to a historic site to start the ritual at 6pm. Entry: £8/£6.

Sunday 13 November (every Sunday); 30-Minute Mindfulness for people of all beliefs. Venue: Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Place, London NW3 1NG. Time: 6pm. Free, just turn up.

Sunday 13 November; Devotion to the Dark Goddess. Workshop with Gabriela Herstik via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £15.

Sunday 13 November; Charles Fort and the Making of the Twentieth Century.  Zoom talk by Colin Dickey through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Notes: I am not responsible for the content of these events. Contact event organisers directly if you have any questions. I generally list things in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice.

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