Here's a list of weird, wonderful and witchy events over the next week or so with a mixture of online and in-person things to do. I generally list events in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. If you know an online or London-based event you want included, please email
Now - 10 December; Creative Spirits Art Exhibition. Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-5pm. Details:
Now to 6 January 2023; Wicked Spirits? Witchcraft and Magic. Exhibition at Colchester Castle, Essex, CO1 1TJ. The Museum is also running some after-hours events.
Now to 24 December; Exhibition of Artwork by Hunt Emerson. Venue: The Gardner Room, The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Open daily, Monday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm to 24 December.
Now - 19 December. Sasha Chaitow’s solo art exhibition at Treadwell's, of Péladan-inspired works, including illustrations from her book on Joséphin Péladan. Venue: Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury London, WC1E 7BS. Open Weds through Sat, 12pm - 7pm (closed Sun-Tues). Free to enter.
Now to 19 February 2023; Hieroglyphs: Unlocking Ancient Egypt. Exhibition at the Sainsbury Gallery at the British Museum, London. Find out more here:
Every Wednesday and Friday; Open Days at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am - 4pm. Free, just pop in.
Wednesday 30 November; Kundalini Meditations for Sleep. Online talk by Gemma Bliss via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.
Wednesday 30 November (every Wednesdays); Evening Sound Bath Meditation. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £15.
Wednesday 30 November (usually the last Wednesday every month); Yule Social at Hertford Moot. Venue: The White Horse, 33 Castle Street, Hertford), Time: 8pm.
Thursday 1 Dececember (and other dates); Morning Meditation. Free online event via Mirthy. Time: 9am.
Thursday 1 Dececember (and other dates); Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 non members.
Thursday 1 Dececember; Winter Warmer - wreathmaking, mulled wine, music and merriment! Event by Bankside Open Spaces Trust. Venue: Red Cross Garden, 50 Redcross Way, London SE1 1HA. Time: 5pm. Free but you must reserve a place.
Thursday 1 Dececember; How To Be Highly Sensitive and Empowered. Talk and book signing by Jane Novak. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 19-21 Cecil Court, · London WC2N 4EZ. Free event. Time: 5.30pm.
Thursday 1 Dececember; Crowleymass. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £12.
Thursday 1 Dececember; Shamanic Plant Spirit Ceremony. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.
Thursday 1 Dececember; Faery in Grail Mythology. Online talk by Wendy Berg via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £16.
Thursday 1 Dececember (every Thursday); Talk on a paranormal subject for ASSAP members. Time: 7pm. Free event, with Zoom link details emailed out to members. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit
Thursday 1 Dececember; Visions of the Occult: An Untold Story of Art and Magic. Talk by Tate archivist Victoria Jenkins. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL and online. Time: 7.15pm. Tickets: £8 / £5 concessions (Advance tickets). £5 Livestream.
Friday 2 December (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.
Friday 2 December; NAZARTH: The Pillars of Gladness. Online alk by Alexander Cummins via Watkins Bookshop. Free event. Time: 5.30pm.
Friday 2 December (and other dates); Mind, Body Restore Online Yoga. Time: Time: 6.15pm. Free online event.
Friday 2 December (and other dates); Laughter Playshop. Time: Time: 7pm. Free online event but £2 donations welcome.
Friday 2 December; Friday Night Self-Care and Sound Bath. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: from £35.
Friday 2 December; Etan Ilfeld's Synchronicity Oracle - Free Launch Party. Venue: Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS Time: 7pm start. Tickets: free but you must reserve a place.
Friday 2 December; Sacred Singing at Hildegard's Temple. Location given to those attending. Time: 7pm for 7.30pm start. Cost £5. Bring a your own cup. PM Hildegard if you are going to attend, which you can find via the Luna Ita Facebook group:
Friday 2 December (and other dates); Free Meditation Session Online. Time: 7.30pm.
Friday 2 December; The Witches Circle Monthly Class. Venue: Kallima Wellbeing Centre, 8A Adam Business Centre, Cranes Farm Rd, Basildon, SS14 3JF. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £16.76.
Friday 2 December; Llewellyn's Virtual Author Forum: Introducing the Witch's Sun Sign Series. Organised via Llewellyn Worldwide. Free online event. Starts 8pm.
Friday 2 December; Chakra Alignment Guided Meditation session with Yaw:waY and Akua Ofosuhene. Venue: Hub and Culture, 327 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ, Time: 9pm. Tickets: £10.
Saturday 3 Dececember; Your Life in Your Hands: An Introduction to Hand Reading. Online workshop with Felicity Booth via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £80.
Saturday 3 Dececember; Gong Bath with Jag. Venue: Upminster Sanctuary Complementary Healing and Teaching, Pea Ln, Upminster RM14 2XH. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.
Sunday 4 December; Create and Charge Your Own Magical Amulets and Talismans. In-person workshop with Rachel PattersonVenue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am. Tickets £115.
Sunday 4 December; The British Museum and the Awakening of English Magic. Walking Tour with Caroline Wise organised by Treadwell's of Bloomsbury. Meeting at the British Museum, London. Time: 11am. Ticket price £28.
Sunday 4 December (first Sunday of the month); Dark and Light at Woodspirits. Meet at Cheshunt station before walking to Lee Valley Park. Time: 2pm (an hour earlier than usual). Free in-person event for members of Woodspirits group.
Sunday 4 December; Story Co-operative - theme Darkness. Organised by London Dreamtime. Meet at the Electric Elephant Cafe, 186A Crampton Street, London, SE17 3AE, storytelling at Pullens Yards Hall, entrance on Crampton Street. Time: 3pm, but earlier if you want to order food. Free but you must reserve a place.
Sunday 4 December (every Sunday); 30-Minute Mindfulness for people of all beliefs. Venue: Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Place, London NW3 1NG. Time: 6pm. Free, just turn up.
Sunday 4 December; Russia’s Mystical Quest. Online talk by Dr. Christopher McIntosh through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Sunday 4 December; Raucous Norse. Online event by Jason Buck Storyteller. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · £2.50-£9.
Monday 5 December; Woman as Symbol - Decoding the Archetypes and and Embodied Ideals. Online talk by Parumveer Walia via London Drawing Group. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets by donation.
Monday 5 December; 2023 – The Year Ahead. Talk by Bernard Eccles via the Astrological Lodge of London. Venue: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place London, W1U 8EA. Time: 7pm. Tickets £10.
Monday 5 December (every Monday); Candlelit Lunar Yoga. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15 per session.
Monday 5 December; Covens in Initiatory Wicca. Lecture by Rebecca Beattie, author of The Wheel of the Year, via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.
Monday 5 December (and other dates); Triple Moon Gong Meditation. Venue: Telegraph Hill Centre - The Narthex, Kitto Rd, Lewisham, London, SE14 5TY. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £20.
Monday 5 December; Winter Dreaming - Full Moon Mugwort Ceremony. Venue: Singleton Environment Centre, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5LW. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £11.37.
Monday 5 December; Christmas Party at the Astrological Lodge of London. Venue: 50 Gloucester Place London, W1U 8EA. Time: 8.30pm. Tickets £10.
Tuesday 6 December; Curator's Exhibition Tour of the exhibition Creative Spirits with Vivienne Roberts. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies. 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £12.
Tuesday 6 December; Women and Walking. Talks by Kerri Andrews and Sonia Overall. Presented by: London Fortean Society. Venue: Amersham Arms, 388 New Cross Rd, London SE14 6TY. Time: 6.30pm for 7pm. Tickets: £6.60.
Tuesday 6 December; Cacao and Sound Ceremony. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £50.
Tuesday 6 and 13 December; Thoth Tarot. Two-session workshop by Julian Vayne, via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £40.
Tuesday 6 December (tbc but usually first Tuesday each Month); Talk at Romford Pagan Moot. Venue: The Golden Lion, 2 High Street, Romford. Time: 7pm. Entry £4.
Tuesday 6 December; British Traditional Wicca. Online talk by Julia Phillips through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Tuesday 6 December (tbc but usually first Tuesday each Month); The Witches' Inn Moot. Venue: Halt and Pull pub in Horley. Time: 8pm. Free event.
Wednesday, 7 Dececember; Paganism in Roman Britain. Talk by Professor Ronald Hutton. Hybrid event. In-person venue: David Game College, 31 Jewry Street, London, EC3N 2ET. Time: 6pm. To register for the free online viewing visit:
Wednesday 7 Dececember (tbc but usually first Wednesday of the month); Drumming and Meditation online with Taz Thornton. Time: 7pm Price: free.
Wednesday 7 Dececember; Drum Healing. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.
Wednesday 7 Dececember; Moonology Full Moon Ritual with Yasmin Boland. On Facebook Live. Time: 7pm. Free.
Wednesday 7 Dececember; Lincolnshire Christmas Witches: Pagan Xmas. Online event via Heritage Lincolnshire. Time: 7pm. Tickets from £11.37.
Wednesday 7 Dececember (and other dates); Sensory Gong and Sound Bath. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £45.
Wednesday 7 Dececember; Baba Yaga in Russian Folktales. Online talk by Prof Sibelan Forrester through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Thursday 8 December; Full Moon Event with Peace Fires. Light a candle or fire for peace wherever you are in the world, for just for 10 minutes or an hour or longer and state the intention: “Let there be peace on earth and love for one another.” Free. Details:
Thursday 8 December; The psychology of ghosts and hauntings. Talk by Professor Chris French. Venue: Room 300a Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths, University of London, Time: 4pm. Free, open to all, no need to book.
Thursday 8 December; Glowing Garden Winter Walk organised by The South London Botanical Institute. Venue: The South London Botanical Institute, 323 Norwood Road, London, SE24 9AQ. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £8/£10.
Thursday 8 Dececember; Music and the Paranormal. Online talk by Melvyn Willin via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £16.
Thursday 8 December; Full Moon Ceremony by the Thames, Central London with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Meet near the Millennium Bridge, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets £5 and you must reserve a place.
Thursday 8 December; Inside The World of Stonehenge. Online talk by Dr. Neil Wilkin and Dr. Jennifer Wexler through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Thursday 8 December; Full Moon In Gemini Circle. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £15-£25.
Thursday 8 December; Christmas Lore. A talk with Cunning Folk via South East London Folklore Society. Venue: The Electric Elephant Cafe, 186A Crampton Street, London, SE17 3AE, Time: 8pm. Free but donations of £5/£3 welcom8e.
Friday 9 December; Sound Bath for Venus - Experiential Session. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30.
Friday 9 December; Saturnalia at Atlantis including storytelling for adults with London Dreamtime. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 7pm. Tickets free.
Saturday 10 December; Challenging Energies: Psychic Disturbance and Psychic Attack. Online workshop with Hernan Cotroneo via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am. Tickets: £105.
Saturday 10 December; Sacred Sisterhood Circle with Cacao. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 11am. Tickets: £30.
Saturday 10 December; ArchAngel Magic and Psychic Safety. Half-day workshop with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Outdoors in Queen's Wood, Highgate, North London. Meet at the Woodman Pub at 11.45am to walk to the site. Tickets: £11.
Saturday 10 December; In-person scrying workshop. I'll be teaching the visionary practice of gazing on water, mirrors, flames and crystal balls, based on my book Pagan Portals - Scrying at Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. It's a 2-hour workshop with a 1pm start. Tickets: £22.
Saturday 10 December; The Witches Apothecary -Candle Making Workshop. Venue: Wicca Moon, 50 Well Hall Road, London, SE9 6SH. Time: 2pm.Tickets: £35
Saturday 10 December; Candle Magic Holiday Making Workshop. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £45.
Saturday 10 December; Forecasting the Year Ahead. Online workshop with Daniel Pitt via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 4pm. Tickets: £80.
Saturday 10 December; KW Yule Ritual 2022. Online event for members of Kitchen Witch Coven of Natural Witchery. Time: 7pm. Free, but you have to be a member of the Facebook group.
Sunday 11 December; An Introduction to the Shamanic Medicine Wheel. Online workshop with Annika Panotzki via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am. Tickets: £105.
Sunday 11 December; Mythic London Walk: Legendary heroes, gods and goddesses of the City of London, with Caroline Wise, organised through Treadwell's Bookshop. Meet outside St Clement Danes, Strand, St Clement Dane Church, Strand, Temple, London WC2R 1DH. Time: 11.20am start. Tickets £30. Book online at or reserve a place by visiting the shop.
Sunday 11 December; Shamanic Group with Les Fuller. All welcome Venue: Woodford Church at 9 Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London E18 2JR. Time 11am-3pm. Cost: £10.
Sunday 11 December; Aphrodisiac Perfume Worskhop. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £30.
Sunday 11 December; Becoming a Votary to the Goddess of Love. Online class with Gabriela Herstik. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.
Sunday 11 December (tbc but usually second Sunday of the month); Luna Iter Ritual. In-person ritual in Hackney, East London for members of the group. Meet at the Pembury Tavern, 90 Amhurst Rd, London, from 4.30pm, moving on to a historic site to start the ritual at 6pm. Entry: £8/£6.
Notes: I am not responsible for the content of these events except my Scrying workshop at Treadwell's. Contact event organisers directly if you have any questions. I generally list things in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice.
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