Saturday 28 January 2023

Witches' Cats: More Photos of our Feline Companions

I got a huge response when I blogged about the start of the Year of the Cat and invited readers to send in photos of their feline friends. Ellen Evert Hopman, author of A Legacy of Druids and other books on druidry and herbalism, sent me the photo at the top. She wrote: "The Triple Goddess of the household (a calico). Her name is Brighid."

Hazel Sargent emailed me with the second photo and said: "This is Boo who I adopted during lockdown and who was put to sleep on New Year’s Eve just gone. Miss him very much. Although I am still very sad I will look at adopting another cat when ready." 

I know how sad it is to lose a much-loved moggie, and I am more than happy to commemorate Boo by sharing this beautiful photo. I'm sure he had a wonderful life with Hazel after his adoption.    

Marc Sansum posted the pic at the bottom, of Binx. He said: "It's a very apt name! He's very vocal, especially when his bowl is empty!"

Thanks very much to Ellen, Hazel and Marc for letting me share these pictures on Saturday, which I like to think of as Caturday.

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