Thursday, 18 May 2023

Strawberries - The Fruits of May in Magic & Folklore

Strawberries are a fruit of May, at least in England, and are technically fruits rather than berries. I particularly enjoy them with cream (in the picture you can see them on a scone too). Apparently Thomas Wolsey, in the court of King Henry VIII, was the first person recorded as having strawberries and cream.

Magically the fruit is associated with love and romance as well as good luck. According to Rachel Patterson in A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food, Strawberries are sacred to the Norse fertility god Freyr, who also represents prosperity, good weather and the harvest. 

Although they aren't traditionally associated with the goddess Aphrodite, they do seem to be something she likes as an offering. They make more of an appearance at Aphrodite rituals than fruits traditionally associated with the goddess of love: pomegranates and quinces. 

From an environmental point of view it's best to eat food that's in season and locally grown, so I'm always happy when English strawberries start to become available. 

For some May magic, take pleasure in selecting and eating your first strawberry of the year. Be mindful in every action. Obviously it's best if you pick it yourself, but if you don't grow strawberries yourself, try to buy them as close to the source as possible. Look at the fruit carefully, appreciate its appearance, texture, colour, scent. Eat it slowly. Close your eyes and pay full attention to the taste. When you have finished, give thanks to the gods and goddesses of love, prosperity, luck and abundance and ask their blessing for the summer ahead.

According to folklore, if you cut a strawberry in half and share it with someone, you are likely to fall in love. Remember that if you try out the recipe suggestion in the photo at the top!

You can find more seasonal lore in my book Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year, published by Moon Books.

You can also view the book on Amazon (Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links. This helps support my blog at no extra cost to those who read my posts.)

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