Tuesday 4 July 2023

A Wonderful Time at Beckenham Book Festival

I had a fabulous time at Beckenham Book Festival 2023 last weekend - the first general book festival I've attended as an author. I was among the dozen-plus local writers appearing at this year's event, which took place in the garden of the Coach and Horses pub in Beckenham. 

It was great to meet up with friends and other authors from my area in south east London and north west Kent. I was hugely impressed by the wealth of talent and experience on show. As I suspected, my books on practical magic and witchcraft were slightly the odd ones out, as most of the titles being displayed were fiction with some local history. However, lots of people came to my stall and expressed an interest in esoteric things including divination, folklore and magic. I was happy with the number of copies I sold.

But really the day wasn't all about selling books. It was social and informative too. As well as having our own stalls to display our books, many of us gave talks. Mine was the first of the day and gave a prediction for good weather (which came true). I was happy to have that first slot because it meant I could then go and get a nice cold cider from the pub and not worry about getting a bit tipsy. The sun shone, it wasn't too hot and didn't rain, and it was a great afternoon to sit in a pub garden chatting to like-minded people.

Quizzes, competitions and children's storytelling also took place. In fact, there was so much going on that the hours seemed to fly by. I'd like to give a huge thanks to Val Portelli for organising the event and I'm really looking forward to going next year.

The pictures on this post show a corner of the festival space; me giving my talk; and me at my stall with my books. You can find my author page at my publisher, Moon Books, and view my books and profile on Amazon

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