Friday 7 July 2023

Pagan Eye: Another View of an Ancient London Tree

The West Wickham Oak is one of London's most ancient trees, and here's a new, magnificent picture of it, taken by the guardian of the tree. 

I posted a picture of the tree on my blog a few years ago, taken by a friend from the road behind the fence. Now I'm absolutely delighted to show this stunning view of the West Wickham Oak from the other side, in all its glory and looking very magical in this effect of the light.

One of the Great Trees of London, this oak grew from an acorn planted back in the 13th century. It's on private land, but is much loved in the local community. 

In 2010, Time Out Guides produced a book called The Great Trees of London, detailing all the trees on the list, which was created after the Great Storm of 1987. The storm was hugely significant because it destroyed so many ancient trees as well as property. For the people who lived through it the event was something they'll probably never forget. It marked a sudden and catastrophic change in the English landscape. I've actually written a Gothic novel set in the year of the Great Storm. It's called Erosion and you can pre-order copies via Moon Books' website

On each Pagan Eye post, I show a photo that I find interesting, with a few words about it. I'm not quite sure what I'll be including - it could be a seasonal image, a pagan site, an event, or just a pretty picture. If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself and you must confirm that you are submitting it for A Bad Witch's Blog.

You can view The Great Trees of London on Amazon and also view my novel Erosion on Amazon as well as at Moon Books. The photo is copyright the guardian of the tree.

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