Monday, 11 September 2023

Authors On Their Own Writing: DJ Martin's Witchy Fiction

I've interviewed Witch Lit writer DJ Martin about which of her own books she most liked and why, continuing my mini interview series with authors.

Q: Of the books you’ve written, which is your favourite? 

A: Every book baby is a favourite, naturally. But honestly? I think this latest, Reclaiming Herself, is my favourite – thus far. (There are a few more books floating around in my head.)

Q: What’s it about? 

A: The genre is paranormal women’s fiction – a relatively new genre where the main character is a female over the age of forty. In this book, Jo catches her husband of thirty years in bed with a much younger woman. That stress causes the magic she suppressed at puberty to flare – literally. While she’s contending with a full-time job and a divorce, she has to learn about her magic. Thankfully, she’s got witches for friends who help her out. While learning, she discovers she’s pretty darned good at making potions. When her boss decides to retire, she not only takes her potion business full-time, but makes a move from the big city to the mountains. Without spoilers, not all is peaceful after the move.

Q: Why is it your favourite? 

A: I love writing about witches! In this book, I got to write about magic (although I don’t see sparkles like Jo does, nor can I produce a flame on my fingertip), and potions, and herbs. I got to make up her potion recipes, which I always find enjoyable. And, it’s fun to write about a woman closer to my age than you find in most urban fantasy books, and how she finds her strengths.

Q: Tell me a bit more about yourself and any other books you’ve written. 

A: I make no secret that I’m a witch. I’ll generally admit to being a grumpy old one, too. I live in the woods of the north Georgia (USA) mountains, about ten miles or so from where the two paranormal women’s fiction books are set.  “They” say, “write what you know,” so I did! I’ve been writing and publishing books since 2010. The first were nonfiction books about herbs. Not only am I a witch and use herbs in my workings, I’m a Master Herbalist, too. My first urban fantasy was published in 2013. Reclaiming Herself makes ten altogether. (Yikes!) My website is

You can find Reclaiming Herself  at most ebook retailers and it's also available in paperback.

 Ebook link:  

Paperback link:

Previous interviews in the series

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