Monday 27 November 2023

The Magical Times is back and I Have an Article Inside

The Magical Times Magazine is back after a three-year break, and I have an article in it on seasonal crafting using natural materials. Edition 29 of The Magical Times also has a complimentary 12-page wall calendar! It's available via

The magazine is published by the organisers of the lovely Sussex Faerie Festival. It has a winter wonderland cover picture by Maria Mirage. Inside there are articles on Stonehenge, the medicine wheel, and the sacred fires of Brighid. Annwyn Avalon unravels the mysteries of sacred wells, and Steve Andrews writes about the magical transformation of the butterfly. My fellow Moon Books author Rachel Patterson writes about the mythology behind dragons, and Irisanya Moon talks about Gaia, also sharing ideas on how we can contribute to making positive changes in the world.

Also in the magazine is an exclusive interview with Fae As Folk, who will be performing at the next Faerie Festival in Sussex, and a feature on ‘From The Goddess’, the new docuseries by Laura Hirch. There is a feature on the uplifting power of plants, and - as I mentioned - I share some witchy ideas for crafting throughout the wheel of the year.

Next year's Sussex Faerie Festival runs from 17 to 19 May and you can find details here:

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