Monday 13 November 2023

Witchcraft at Viktor Wynd's Museum of Curiosities

Drinking an absinthe cocktail shortly after breakfast might seem the height of decadence, but that's the kind of thing The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities is about.

I took the photo on this post yesterday morning after setting up the tables for the first scrying workshop I'd taught there in person. It was in the Austin Osman Spare Room at the back, with pictures on the wall by the famous chaos magician: the perfect setting.

The workshop itself began at noon and the aforementioned absinthe cocktails were served as everyone arrived. Although it seemed decadent, it was quite possibly a perfect thing to drink before scrying. Wormwood, the bitter herb that gives absinthe its unique flavour, is supposed to enhance psychic powers. It's related to mugwort, which has similar magical properties. Both herbs are traditionally also used for cleansing. I always bring along an infusion of mugwort to clean the objects used in my class. The absinthe is an added extra.

I'll be teaching another class on practical witchcraft next Sunday, 19 November. It's a workshop on poppets and magical dolls. Everyone will make a traditional protective poppet to take home. The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities is at11 Mare Street, London, E8 4RP. The workshops starts at noon. Tickets are £31.94, which includes a Devil's Botany Absinthe drink. You can find out more here:

My next scrying workshop at The Viktor Wynd Museum is on Sunday 21 January. The details are here:

You can also find my book Pagan Portals - Scrying at my publisher, Moon Books, various esoteric shops and online booksellers including Amazon.

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