Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Rounding the Year: A Milestone for my Book

Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year,  which was published exactly 6 months ago, has reached a milestone! My publisher, Moon Books, has told me it's sold more than 500 copies.  A big thanks to everyone who bought it, left reviews, or told me they've enjoyed reading it. In the book I go into the history behind seasonal folklore, annual customs and modern pagan traditions as well as offering practical suggestions for celebrating the turning of the year. Here's the description:

"Every month is full of magic, each day has its own energy, and the seasons rotate as part of the cycles of nature. Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year looks at ways to honour each month with folkloric customs, herb and plant lore, traditional crafts, spells, visualisations, and pagan rites that go beyond the eight festivals of Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, and Winter Solstice. The wheel of the year turns smoothly, it doesn’t bump over eight cogs, and that’s the meaning of the title of this book. Inside these pages you will find the history behind some much-loved folklore and modern pagan customs, as well as practical suggestions for ways to celebrate the turning of the year."

Sharing seasonal photos

Inspired by ideas in Rounding the Wheel of the Year, I've started prompts to share seasonal pictures, art, crafts, words and other creativity. I'll continue this over the months ahead. I'd love to encourage readers to record what's happening in nature in various ways including photographs, journalling, drawing or painting and crafting. The photo to the right shows bluebells flowering in my garden this spring.

Here are ways to share the things you're doing or what you see out and about as the wheel turns:

  • Leave a comment on this post about what you're up to
  • Find my prompts to share on my Facebook Page: Lucya Starza Pagan Portals Author
  • Share on Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) with the tag #RoundingtheYear

Where to find my books

You can order both the ebook and the paperback of all my books from publisher Moon Books' website as well as view Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year on Amazon. (Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links.)

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Jane Mortimer said...

Well done, Lucya. Look forward to seeing 'Erosion' do the same¬

Badwitch said...

Thank you very much Jane!