Friday 19 April 2024

Rounding the Year: Time to Get Out & Smell the Lilac

The beautiful photo of lilac in bloom at the top of this post was taken by my witchy friend Jane Mortimer. She sent it to me with the message: "Just thought I'd send you a snap I took of the lilac blossom in my back garden before it goes over. It smells absolutely divine, and each time I go out there I just have to bury my nose in it. I wish I could bottle the lovely scent.  The dried flowers don't smell anything like as good as when they're fresh, so I just have to accept that lilac blossom is one of the fleeting pleasures of April!"

I replied: "Just the other day I was walking through my local park and stopped to enjoy the scent of lilac growing there!" 

You can see it on the right in the photo I took, but I think smelling spring flowers can be even more lovely than seeing them. In fact, lilac scent is said to help raise the spirits and alleviate depression. I can well believe it. Artificial perfume just doesn't compete. 

Lilac in folklore and mythology

In Greek mythology, lilac is associated with sound too, as the branches can be hollowed out and turned into pan-pipes, as used by the god of nature: Pan.

You can use lilac flowers in love spells, both to attract a new love and revive an old one. However, in parts of Eastern Europe, lilac is commonly picked to adorn rooms in times of mourning and at funerals,  perhaps because they symbolise remembering loved ones who have passed on.

What's in bloom in your area? Is it early or on time this year? 

Share your seasonal photos!

I recently started prompts to share seasonal pictures, art, crafts, words and other creativity. I'll continue this over the months ahead. I'd love to encourage readers to record what's happening in nature in various ways including photographs, journalling, drawing or painting and crafting.

Here are ways to share the things you're doing or what you see out and about as the wheel turns:

  • Leave a comment on this post about what you're up to
  • Find my prompts to share on my Facebook Page: Lucya Starza Pagan Portals Author
  • Share on Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) with the tag #RoundingtheYear

Where to find my book

My book offers more ways to acknowledge the Wheel of the Year and celebrate the seasons in ritual, magic, folklore and nature. You can find it at esoteric bookshops and via my publisher Moon Books:

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