Monday, 3 June 2024

Art: Seeing Beyond the Veil - College of Psychic Studies

Every summer, the College of Psychic Studies puts on an art exhibition. This year's display is called Seeing Beyond the Veil, with beautiful embroidered work by Irish artist Clare Ormerod. I went there and took the photos you can see on this page.

This is what the description says on the CPS website:

"Clare Ormerod sees the divine feminine as central to her practice. Its celebration of creativity, life and universal connections are fundamental elements of her work. She draws on a cornerstone of Druidic belief; an existence of 'the otherworld' - a realm which exists beyond the reach of the physical senses, but which is nevertheless real. This otherworld is often seen as a place we travel to when we die, but we can also visit it during our lifetime, in dreams, in meditation, in hypnosis, or, in Clare's case, in journeying through her work."

Anyone can visit the exhibition for free from now until the end of July, and see other works of esoteric art in rooms throughout the college's beautiful building at 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. 

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