Thursday, 6 June 2024

Rounding the Year: Elderflower and Blackberry Blossom

It's early June, and blackberry blossom and elderflowers are in bloom in my local park. The photo above is one I took earlier this week. Elderflowers have oodles of uses and looking back at my older posts, I noticed I blogged about seeing them in early June right back in 2008. You can read that post here:

In autumn, both elderberries and blackberries are wonderful fruits to pick, and young blackberry leaves can be infused to make tea, but I didn't know if blackberry blossom had any lore or uses, so I did a bit of research (admittedly just Googling). Apparently the petals of the little pink flower are good for magic to help with achieving your goals if you have an idea and want it to come to fruition. However, as the blossom is a good source of nectar for bees and will eventually become lovely berries, you might prefer to leave the blossom on the brambles! 

Share your seasonal photos!

I'm inviting people to share seasonal pictures, art, crafts, words and other creativity. I'll continue this over the months ahead. I'd love to encourage readers to record what's happening in nature in various ways including photographs, journalling, drawing or painting and crafting.

Here are ways to share the things you're doing or what you see out and about as the wheel turns:

  • Leave a comment on this post about what you're up to
  • Find my prompts to share on my Facebook Page: Lucya Starza Pagan Portals Author
  • Share on Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) with the tag #RoundingtheYear

Where to find my book

My book Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year offers more ways to acknowledge and celebrate the seasons in ritual, magic, folklore and nature. You can view the book on Amazon and find it at estoeric bookshops or via my publisher Moon Books:

(Please note: I earn commission from some links.)

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