Thursday, 8 August 2024

Lion's Gate Portal Magic & International Cat Day

In astrology, Leo the lion shines down in the heat of the sun from the end of July to late August. It's a fire sign representing dignity, strength, confidence and power. You can perform magic to bring these aspects into your life, and to manifest your desires. 

A particularly auspicious time for this is during the Lion's Gate Portal, when the sun is in Leo, and the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius line up. It happens annually between July 28th and August 12th, with a peak around August 8th.

You could use the Strength card from tarot as part of a Lion's Gate Portal visualisation or spell. Strength in the major arcana generally shows a lion of some form, and is a positive and optimistic card. Put the card on your altar or hold it in you hand. Study the card and imagine its energy helping you towards your own objective. 

In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck (pictured), a woman strokes the lion and befriends the wild creature. This indicates that strength isn't always about physical might. It can mean achieving what we want in ways that make everyone happy. That lion looks as though he's enjoying a head scratch, just like any moggy! This is also a card about facing our fears and knowing we have the strength to not only deal with problems, but even to befriend adversaries.  

There's an infinity symbol above the woman's head. Do not limit your goals today.

International Cat Day

Today is also International Cat Day, which takes place on 8 August every year. It’s intended to raise awareness for our feline companions and learn about ways to help and protect them. Events are organised by International Cat Care, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to improve the welfare of domestic pets. 

Personally, I’ve always enjoyed meditating with my cat. I don’t mean training my cat to meditate – they don’t really need that training. The way you can do it is to sit with your cat mindfully. If your cat likes being stroked, then do that, just be in the moment and let your other worries and concerns slip away.

More Seasonal Magic

You can find more about summer magic, festivals and events in my book Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year, published by Moon Books.

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Anonymous said...
