Thursday, 31 October 2024

Samhain Craft: Writing & Painting in Mushroom Ink

Here's a Samhain blessing crafted by me using mushroom ink. I foraged for shaggy inkcap mushrooms, which I know grow on a grass verge near my home. You can see a photo of them at the bottom. 

Here's how to make ink from them:

  • Make sure you have the right mushrooms!
  • Pick a couple of the caps and put them in a bowl.
  • Leave them for a day or two to dissolve into black liquid.
  • Use that to paint or write with using a brush or an old-fashioned pen.

I used a narrow brush to paint the words and pentagram you can see in the picture above. It felt a very witchy way of creating a Samhain season message. You could also use the ink for writing spells or a book of shadows, if you are patient. To preserve the ink, add a bit of salt to the liquid.

You can find more ideas for seasonal witchcraft in my book Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year, published by Moon Books.

Here are links to some of my previous craft posts:

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