Friday, 24 January 2025

Moon Books is Looking for New Pagan Authors

Moon Books is actively looking for new pagan authors! I've been published by Moon Books for 9 years and can genuinely say it has been a good experience. This is why I'm happy to share the info above showing how you could join the team. I'd love to see you there. You just need to be a good writer, with relevant experience to share, and have an idea for a book on a topic related to Wicca, witchcraft, goddesses, druidry, heathenry or shamanism.

For more info about Moon Books, which is part of Collective Ink, visit the website here:

My Pagan Portals books with Moon

To give you a little more of an idea of the kind of thing Moon Books publishes, I've posted a photo of my titles in the Pagan Portals series: Candle Magic, Guided Visualisations, Poppets and Magical Dolls, Scrying, and Rounding the Wheel of the Year. My Gothic novel Erosion is also published by Moon Books.

You can buy my books at Treadwell's Bookshop, via Amazon, at the College of Psychic Studies in London and at other bookshops. You can find more about me at my author page at publisher Moon Books, and on my Amazon author page

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