Thursday, 3 January 2008


One of my resolutions this year was to declutter and to find new homes for at least four things each month.

I've made a start.

Earlier this week I offered a telly that I hadn't used for ages and half a bag of cactus compost on Freecycle.

Freecycle is a network for people who want to give things away - or get stuff for free - with the aim of encouraging recycling and reuse.

You have to apply to join your local group, either through Yahoo Groups or via the Freecycle website, then you can post messages offering items or asking for them. The only rule is that you must not ask for money or offer any. Everything must be free.

Here is the address for Freecycle London on Yahoo:
For more information about Freecycle visit:

I've also handed in an ancient mobile phone to my local library, which is collecting them for charity, and given a pair of old glasses to an optician who sends them to developing countries for reuse.

Then I took a mustard yellow scarf to a charity shop. I had been given it for Christmas and it had never been worn but mustard yellow is just not a bad witch's colour :)

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