Saturday, 17 October 2009

Mystical Legends: Girona, A City of Secrets

If you get the Sky channel 200 Controversial TV, there's an interesting programme on tomorrow, Sunday 18 October, at 3pm called Mystical Legends - Girona, A City Of Secrets.

In the programme, psychic and TV presenter Carrie Kirkpatrick explores the city of Girona in the footsteps of Patrice Chaplin, author of City of Secrets. Girona in Spain is a major Jewish historical site and popular tourist attraction, but secret rituals link it with the Holy Grail.

Controversial TV is a platform for people to share alternative views and discuss suppressed viewpoints.

It is produced by Edge Media, which says on its website: "We aim to air programming that is educational, thought provoking and enlightening."

If you don't have that Sky package, you can watch online at

City of Secrets: One Woman's True-Life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend

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