Thursday, 22 July 2010

Lammas events and open rituals

Lammas, or Lughasadh, is the festival of first fruits and is celebrated at the start of August, usually on August 1 or the closest weekend.

Here are some open rituals taking place in the UK to celebrate the start of the harvest:

Thursday, 29 July, Pagan Federation London Druidic Lammas Ritual facilitated by Jeremy Morgan at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Bring food and drink to share. There might be a small entry fee. No photographs allowed. Visit

Saturday 31 July & Sunday 1 August: Lammas Festival. Folk music, parade with giants, beer tent and stalls selling lovely stuff. Venue: Western Lawns, the Promenade, Eastbourne, East Sussex. For more details call 01323 735364 or visit

Saturday 31 July & Sunday 1 August: Lughnasa at Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton Lane, Chalton, Hants. For more details, call 02392 598838 or visit

Saturday 31 July; Free & Open Gorsedd Lughnasadh Rite at Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. An open Druidic style rite to celebrate Lughnasadh and the first harvest. Meet at the Red Lion pub around noon for a ceremony about 1.30pm. Offerings of song, poetry, mead, bread and cake welcome.

Sunday 1 Aug, The Gorsedd of the Bards of Caeir Abiri Lughnasadh Gathering at Avebury, in Wiltshire. Meet at noon by the cafe to take part in God and Goddess walks to the sun circle at the stones. This is an open Gorsedd and all are welcome to bring songs and poetry, as well as contributions of bread and mead. Phone Morgan on 01458 835518 for more details.

Sunday, 1 August Lughnasadh/Lammas Open air ritual in London, starting at 12.45pm at the top of Primrose Hill, in the Hawthorn Grove. For more details, email

Anderida Gorsedd Druid group holds large open rituals at the Long Man of Wilmington, in Sussex (pictured above), usually on the Sunday closest to each of the eight pagan festival of the year. The group's Lughnasadh ritual should take place on Sunday, August 1. To take part, meet from 1.30pm to 2pm near the Long Man of Wilmington car to walk up the to Long Man. Afterwards, those who want to to will retire to the Giants Rest pub for a social drink. For more details, email or visit the website

Tuesday 3 August; Leodis Pagan Circle Lammas Open Ritual at a stone circle in Leeds. The full address is Thwaite Mill, Thwaite Lane, Stourton, Leeds, LS10 1RP. The event starts at 7pm and is open to everyone. For more details, visit

13th, 14th, 15th August, PF London Lammas Camp at Debden House Campsite in Loughton, Essex - including Morris Dancing workshop by Bacchus Border Morris plus a variety of contributions by those who attend. Cost is £7.50 per person, per night, £3.50 per child aged 4 – 16. For further information or to make bookings, email Mike at: or visit

30 - 31 August, Ould Lammas Fair at Ballycastle at Ballycastle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. A long way from London, and a month away from Lammas - nevertheless Ould Lammas Fair at Ballycastle claims to be Ireland's oldest festival, dating back to the 17th century. If you are in the area, it is worth a visit. For more details call 028 2076 2024 or visit

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