Friday, 27 August 2010

Back to Magic School: Mythology & Witchcraft

Kensington and Chelsea College is running a series of courses called Mythology, Folklore and Witchcraft.

Part 1 is a 10-week introduction to the Wheel of the Year and the pagan festival cycle. Lecturer Kenneth Rees will also cover alternative archaeology and earth mysteries research - the Neolithic legacy, ancient sites and their puzzles, ley-lines and geomancy; the Celts and the ancient Druids.

Running through the autumn term, this first course will concentrate on the festivals of Samhain (Halloween) and Yule (Christmas).

The course begins on 23 September and is on Thursday nights from 7pm to 9pm. The cost is £96, or £32 for concessions.

Mythology, Folklore and Witchcraft Part 2 begins on January 11, 2011, and follows on from Part 1, covering the spring festivals.

Both courses are being run at Hortensia Centre, Hortensia Road, London SW10 0QS.

For more information call 020 7573 5333, email or visit

The Wheel of the Yearposter pictured above is available from Amazon

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