Friday, 1 October 2010

Paperback Grimoires - a Halloween treat?

Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, which was voted The Bad Witch's Book of the Year in 2009, has just come out in paperback.

I thought this history of "the most dangerous books in the world" well deserved to be my book of the year.

Written by Owen Davies, professor of social history at the University of Hertfordshire, Grimoiresnot only shows a superb amount of research into books of spells and magic from ancient times to the 21st Century, but is also very well written and entertaining to read.

I suspect the release of the paperback edition has been carefully timed to coincide with Halloween paraphernalia filling shop windows, when even those who aren't normally interested in magic and the occult might be tempted to read about such things. But, if you are looking for a gift for someone this Samhain, then Grimoires - with an RRP of £9.99 in paperback - would be a good choice.

If you fancy winning a copy for yourself, together with a copy of Witchcraft: VSI, then look out for a great competition I'll be posting later this morning.

Grimoires is published by Oxford University Press and is available through Amazon.

Grimoires: A History of Magic Books


Unknown said...

An actual well-researched book on grimore history? Leave the fluff at the door, you say?

Sign me UP

Badwitch said...

Yes, I thought it was a very good book - well researched and interesting.