Thursday 13 January 2011

Another day in A&E; another storm

Why does it seem that whenever I have to take someone to A&E, there is a disastrous storm?

Yesterday, while I was at hospital with my mum who had had a nasty fall, the heavens opened and the the roof of the X-Ray department collapsed under the huge amount of rainfall!

No one was hurt in the disaster, but it did nothing to lessen the already long queue of people waiting to be seen.

Luckily, my mother had already had her X-Ray before the storm did its worst and, also luckily, she was found not to have broken any bones.

However, she has a badly bruised hip and is in a lot of pain so she is being kept in hospital for observation and physiotherapy for a day or two.

I'll be visiting her as much as possible after work today and tomorrow, so I might not get much time to blog for a day or two.

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1 comment:

Antony said...

Hope your mum gets better soon.

A x