I'm always interested to see what new books are out aimed at beginners to the Craft. And I'm also interested in what public libraries stock on the subject, as I usually recommend that anyone curious about witchcraft should pop down to their local library and get out a book on the subject (or borrow an e-library book online). It is much cheaper than buying a book, after all.
First Steps in Witchcraft
The book starts with an introduction about what a witch is - an individual who worships nature, is aware of unseen natural energies and who does spellworking. At least, that's a very brief summary of the description, Teresa goes into a lot more detail.
In fact, for a beginner's book, there's a lot of depth to be found throughout. It covers the history of witchcraft, the theory of how magic works, various sorts of spells - with practical examples to try out, a whole year's worth of rituals following the cycle of the seasonal festivals and even an initiation ritual that could be used to dedicate oneself as a solitary witch.
The spells and rituals in the book are written so that they can be done by single person on their own, or by a couple. The final chapter offers advice on how to find other witches to work with or covens to join should one want to.
So, if you are looking for a basic but not over-simplified introduction to witchcraft and your library has a copy of this on the shelf, borrow it. Mind you, seeing as the RRP is only £5.99 and you can get second-hand copies for less, you could just buy it.
Links and previous related posts
First Steps in Witchcraft (Flash)
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