Monday, 4 March 2013

CFPS Raising Money for Doreen Valiente Blue Plaque

The Centre for Pagan Studies is raising cash for a Blue Plaque to commemorate the life of Doreen Valiente, who founded modern Wicca along with Gerald Gardner.

On its website, the CFPS says: "We have been working on this for a number of years with Brighton and Hove City Council and we are pleased to announce that Doreen’s Plaque will be going on the wall at the apartments where she lived for 30 years and the location where she did most of her seminal writing. The event will take place on the Summer Solstice this year – i.e. 21st June 2013."

The pagan organisation, which was formed in 1995 by John and Julie Belham-Payne, needs to raise £1,200 pounds before the Blue Plaque can be put in place. The CFPS explains: "This is to cover £750 manufacturing cost and the remainder is for the installation."

Donations are being sought from individuals and pagan organisations. Anyone who donates £100 or more will be invited to entertainment on the day of the plaque's unveiling outside the house in Brighton where Doreen lived, and also to a VIP buffet lunch.

John Belham-Payne added: "The donations are Gift Aid possible and for each of these Gift Aid forms we get 20% more from the Government."

To find out more, or to donate money, visit:

Doreen Valiente was the author of many books on witchcraft, including Where Witchcraft Lives, Natural Magicand Witchcraft for Tomorrow.

Links and previous related posts
Natural Magic
Witchcraft for Tomorrow

1 comment:

The Editor: Greenmantle Magazine said...

The historical significance of this event should not be understated. It marks a leap forward in regards to the acceptance of Paganism and Witchcraft in our society.
Not only is it an important event, but it is a day that will be enjoyable and memorable. There will be music and dance, special guests, Morris Dancers and much more besides, all of which dovetail with the Greenmantle 20th Anniversary celebration

Please donate to the blue Plaque project nd even if you don't, please join us on this special day for a memorable experience.