Saturday, 11 January 2014

TV: Sacred Britain, Herb Gardens and Egypt

Over the past week there were several things on telly with pagan or witchy content.

Last Monday, January 6, saw the second episode of Sacred Wonders of Britain on BBC2 at 8.30pm. In it, Neil Oliver visited several sites of significance in our pagan past including Maiden Castle in Dorset, Anglesey, the hot spring at Bath and the remains of Lullingstone Roman Villa in Kent. He also chatted to Professor Ronald Hutton, author of Pagan Britain.

In one episode of The Great British Garden Revival, which has been running every night, Toby Buckland showed not only how to build a herb garden but also talked about the medicinal value of herbs and gave instructions on how to make a herbal skin balm.

On Thursday at 9pm on BBC4, in the first episode of a documentary series called Treasures of Ancient Egypt, Alastair Sooke looked at some of earliest art created of that country. Much of it is, of course, related to the religious beliefs of the people at that time. I was interested to hear that the Ancient Egyptians considered animals to be closer to the gods than humans are - rather the opposite view to that of Christianity in which humans are considered the highest form of life.

All of these programmes can be watched on BBC iPlayer at the moment.

(Pictured above) A DVD set called Ancient Egyptcan be ordered through Amazonor bought through the Radio Times online shop.

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