Wednesday 7 January 2015

Online Magic School: Druidry, Witchcraft & Magic

If you want to train in Druidry, witchcraft or other forms of magical personal development but there isn't a course running near to where you live, the best solution is to sign up for an online or distance learning course. There are some great magical distance learning courses starting this year. Here are three I would recommend:

Learning Druidry with Cat Treadwell
Cat Treadwell, author of A Druid's Tale, is offering online teaching and mentoring for those who wish to commit to learning about Druidry. On the course, Druid traditions form a foundation to enable each student to create their own unique personal spiritual practice, from the initial exploratory steps to development for their future lives. Lessons are primarily via email, but with online group chat sessions as well as the option of telephone or Skype tutorials. The initial course of study is for one year, following both the seasonal/Festival calendar and the lunar cycle. Each study period covers a lunar month, with lessons and associated assignment deadlines at the New Moon.

The course covers seasonal transitions, festivals and rituals, mythologies and relationship with the land, spirit, ancestors and deity. Awareness of energy, personal ethics/responsibility and individual creativity are also involved.

Cat is currently sending out information regarding the 2015 course, which starts in June. You can find out more here: If you are interested and willing to seriously commit to the year of study, contact cat at

Kitchen Witchcraft and Natural Magic Courses
Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchery runs a wide range of online witchcraft courses aimed at beginners and those wanting to extend their knowledge. Rachel Patterson, author of A Kitchen Witch's Magical Herbs and Plants, Pagan Portals - Kitchen Witchcraft and Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch, is one of the founders of the Kitchen Witch School and is a tutor on the courses. Lessons are original and include online forums, webinair- style rituals and online journals. Students have their own dedicated elder to guide them through the work. The school also runs individual classes in subjects including runes, tarot, magical herbs and animals.

The Kitchen Witch Herbal Pathways online course starts in March, with enrolment closing in February. It runs for eight weeks and the course fee is £20/£15. You can find out more about that here: The main website for the Kitchen Witch School, coven and shop is here:

Aphrodite's Magic with Jane Meredith
Jane Meredith's distance learning course for her workshop series Aphrodite's Magic starts on Sunday 25 January.

Aphrodite’s Magic is a magical spell to celebrate and heal your sexuality, based on Jane's book Aphrodite's Magic. The spell is woven of seven strands; The Goddess, The Eye of Beauty, Voice of Truth, Opening the Heart, Body, The Red Womb, Inner Mysteries and each strand includes ritual work, personal and sometimes pair or group processes, journaling and whatever personal, creative or researching you want to add. The way the course is structured is that the group begins on the First Strand of Aphrodite’s Magic, and every four weeks moves on to the next Strand. There are eight conference calls, one for each Strand and a final one after the Aphrodite’s Girdle is completed.

Between every conference call every participant will have the opportunity for a one-to-one Skype call with Jane Meredith. There will be a secret Facebook group where those on the course can share comments, questions and photos. The times of the conference calls will be decided by the locations/time zones of those who have registered for the course by January 7. All the calls will be recorded and sent to participants who miss the live calls.

The price for the course, in Australian dollars (as that is where Jane Meredith is based) is Waged - $300.00, Partially waged $275.00, unwaged $250.00. You can find out more here: To contact Jane Meredith, email:

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