Monday, 6 April 2015

Pagan Eye: Blood Moon at Easter's Lunar Eclipse

James C. Wallace II, astronomer, photographer and author of a series of fantasy novels set in the world of Oz, sent me this great picture of the lunar eclipse that took place on April 4 - Easter Saturday.

He said: "It would seem that good fortune blessed me yesterday morning with a perfect view of the lunar eclipse. Having photographed 18 of these prior to yesterday morning, I thought I would go for an artistic view this time. I think I succeeded. I hope you like this? This was taken right after totality began and about 15 minutes before moonset. I was outside Terre Haute, Indiana when I took this one."

He added: "BTW, you really should read my 3rd book; Family of Ozwhich features a blood-red moon (an eclipsed moon) and all of Oz howling at it."

My Pagan Eye posts show photos that I find interesting - seasonal images, pagan sites, events, or just pretty pictures.

If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself.

The above photo is copyright James C. Wallace II.

Previous related posts
Family of Oz (Royal Magician of Oz Trilogy Book 3)

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