Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Mythos Musings: Would You Sign Cthulhu's Book?

The little book in the photo is my latest charity shop find - it is Baby's First Mythos, an A-Z of monsters and cultists inspired by HP Lovecraft's books about Cthulhu and other horrors.

Each monstrosity has a delightful black-and-white illustration and a charming little poem. For example:
A is for Azathoth
Who dwells in the centre
Dreaming us from a place
We cannot enter
I bought the book in during the lunch break at last weekend's ASSAP conference, Seriously Strange, in Reading. I have to say Reading does have a rather good selection of charity shops too. Several people at the conference came back from lunch loaded down with rare and intriguing second-hand books.

I picked up Baby's First Mythos for £1, as you can see in the picture. I then got the idea to use it as an autograph book to collect the signatures and other mythos musings from my Seriously Strange friends. I probably wouldn't have done that if I had known then just how much the book was really worth, but quite a few people happily signed and I'm going to keep on collecting autographs at other events as a memento.

The question is, of course, if we meet up, would you sign Cthulhu's Book?

Links and previous related posts

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