On its website, this is what Moon Books says: "Take a journey across the pantheons of the world and allow your creative energy to flow, colouring in images and mandalas for some of the most interesting and inspiring deities.
"Each deity has a beautiful image to colour in using paints, pencils or pastels, whatever your preferred medium. Also included is a deity-specific mandala, some information about them and a chant or mantra to use when colouring to help that creativity and spirit to flow. The goal of each colouring image is to provide a meditative tool for your spiritual journey…or you can do it just because it is fun!"
This is a great way for someone who is new to paganism to learn about the different pantheons as well as being a way to honour the gods and goddesses and to express your creative talent in colouring the pictures in.
The text is by Rachel and Ben Patterson, with artwork by their daughter, up-and-coming young artist Emma Patterson. Rachel Patterson is also the author of The Art of Ritual, Arc of the Goddess, Pagan Portals - Moon Magic and Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch.
You can order Moon Books Gods and Goddesses Colouring Book from Amazon.
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