Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Magic School: Free Wicca for Beginners 1-day class

Wiccan High Priest Mani Navasothy is offering a free one-day workshop in London called The Wiccan Path for Beginners. The class is on Sunday, May 21, and runs from 10.30am to 4.30pm in the beautiful Queen's Woods near Highgate station. The outdoor workshop is suitable for beginners and seekers of Wicca. Here are the details from Mani's London Woodland Witches, Magicians and Outdoor Pagans Meet-up Group page:
As a nature-based religion, the best way to explore Wicca is in a natural setting! Yes at times it's cold or it rains... but we prepare, because that too is part of being a Nature-Witch!

This course is to introduce Wicca and Witchcraft to beginners and seekers! I often see so many people stumbling or making some mistakes or are nervous at rituals- so here it is - a full introduction. This is for any and all those interested or curious about Wicca and Witchcraft and like a simple, down to earth, friendly introduction...the whole lot in one day..! 
Please attend with an open mind, and flexibility of time. These are woodland/nature based courses, and a certain amount of organic flexibility is need on everyone's part. We go into the woods to be away from the machinations of urban society, and to attune to the rhythms and energies of nature. Try to relax, ground, centre, earth and be open for the duration of the course, rather than worry about clock-watching or other evening plans. (that stress translates into the course and has in the past been a bit disruptive to the whole group). Allow a bit of time-buffer towards end, just as the tutor allows flexibility for people getting lost in trains, arriving late etc or being nervous at the start/earlier part. Sometimes making everyone feel at ease at start can take time, but it's a worthy investment that pays off for the smooth-running and flow of the whole workshop/ course. 
It's 100% free.!!! As a Wiccan High Priest, it is also my calling to teach, train and make Wicca accessible to genuine seekers, and dispel the negativity that media and other ill-doers place on The Craft. Organising open Wicca circles and seasonal ceremonies is part of that work. And providing this free 1-day course is something I have been intuitively inspired to do, after a bit of full-moon gazing and a tarot reading recently.

*Free* does not mean the course is any less worthy or valuable (a similar course is being run indoors in June for £30). So please be respectful and take this opportunity that is generously offered. If you are feeling generous, feel free to offer a small donation to tutor at the end, to cover his travel / material costs (candle, wine, notes, ritual items etc).
To find out more or to sign up, here is the link: https://www.meetup.com/London-Woodland-Witches-Outdoor-Pagans/events/238382156/ 

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