Saturday, 12 May 2018

Staying in the Haunted Room at the Wellington Hotel

Today I am off to Cornwall for the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic's annual conference. This year the subject is ritual magic and it ties in with an exhibition that's on at the museum.

I will be blogging about the conference and the exhibition, but today I thought I'd write  about the hotel the conference is at, which I'll also be staying at.

The Wellington Hotel is lovely, comfortable and has friendly staff. I stayed there last year in the room in the photo at the top.

Even though the room was gorgeous, I'm actually rather hoping I get put in a different one this time. My reason is that the room is haunted.

I only learnt I was in the haunted room after I'd booked in and my first thought was: "Great!  How exciting!"

It didn't seem quite so great at 4am in the morning when I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. I kept hearing creaks and imagining shadows all around me and had to muster all my courage to get out of the huge bed and creep through the dark room to the loo.

I admit I didn't actually see any ghost - and am very glad of that too. I hope I don't see one this time either.

Links and previous related posts

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