Monday 23 July 2018

Pagan Shopping: Wicca Moon Lammas Ritual Kit

To my delight the postman brought me the latest Wheel of the Year ritual box from Wicca Moon this morning. It is a kit to celebrate the Lammas/Lughnasadha festival, which marks the start of the grain harvest in the Wheel of the Year.

Of course I opened it up immediately to look at the lovely contents - and I took the photo above.

This is the fifth Wheel of the Year kit I've received from the pagan shop in Eltham, and I'm loving them. Their arrival is something I really look forward to and each one is a box of delights.

As well as the words for a seasonal ritual perfect for a solitary practitioner, my Lammas/Lughnasadha box contains the following:
  • Three seasonal candles in colours to symbolise the harvest
  • A large bottle of magickal oil
  • A lovely embroidered altar cloth
  • Lammas incense
  • A bag of three good-sized crystals
  • A bouquet of dried wheat and lavender
  • A hand-crafted candle holder marked with a pentacle
  • An information sheet about the season and pagan festival
I'm particularly pleased that the box arrived so quickly after it was posted to me as I will be doing my personal Lammas ritual rather early this time. I am going away for Lammas itself and want to do this rite before I leave.

You can order the Wheel of the Year Lammas/Lughnasadha Box online here:

Wicca Moon is at 50 Well Hall Road, Eltham, London, SE9 6SH.

Links and previous related posts

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