Friday, 26 April 2019

London Event: Celebration of Sacred Art

There's an event taking place this Sunday to celebrate sacred art. It is also a launch party for the book Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism), by artist Imelda Almqvist. I forgot to put on my listing earlier this week, so here are the details now:

Book Launch Party and Sacred Art Celebration

Date: Sunday 28 April 2019, 2 - 7 pm
Place: Imelda's South London home and studio near New Cross Gate Station (email Imelda at to reserve a place and get the full address)

There will be wine and nibbles and Imelda will be signing copies of Sacred Art. There will be no pressure to purchase (just dropping in and hanging out is just fine!).

This is going to be a very special day involving a brief talk about sacred art and a sacred art taster session as well as some very special activities. Simon Cook will be offering his famous blind labyrinth walks, which Imelda says are loved by her sacred art students!!

She will be happy to sign all copies of her books that people bring along or purchase on the day. Not only that,she has made a limited selection of paintings available as a bonus gift for people who purchase several copies. Imelda said: 'If my supplies run out you can submit an order on Amazon to still qualify for a painting gift!'

This offer is for one day only and open to anyone who attends and will operate on a first come – first served basis.

At 5pm, Imelda will give a brief talk on sacred art, explaining what makes it different from other types of art and the principles that guide her work with students all over the world. This will be followed by question time.

You can view Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit on Amazon. It is published by Moon Books.

Links and previous related posts

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