Monday 9 March 2020

Belostra 2020 Festival Cancelled over Coronavirus

I have just been told that  Belostra 2020, the pagan festival hosted by Pagan FutureFests, has been cancelled due to concerns over the coronavirus. I think this is a very sensible decision for the organisers to make, although I am sad that a superb annual festival won't be taking place this year.  It had originally been scheduled for Saturday 25 April at a new venue, CryerArts, in Carshalton, Surrey.

At the event, I was due to be giving a talk on poppets, based on my book Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls. The organisers are still intending to run their Samhain festival in the autumn, which I am looking forward to and will be giving a talk at.

You can find out more details of the cancellation here

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