Friday, 1 May 2020

Flowers of Love Divination: Snowdrops for a New Hope

For Beltane, or May Day, I decided to draw a card from the Flowers of Love oracle because this spring festival in the Wheel of the Year is about flowers and love. We are also in the middle of the Ancient Roman festival of Floralia, which ran from April 28 to May 3.

The question I was asking, when I drew a card, wasn't specifically for myself, but for all of us at this time. Lockdown is putting extra strain on relationships, lovers who are not sharing a home are unable to meet up, while forming new romances has to be done at a distance. The card I drew was Snowdrop, which means 'new hope'.

This initially seemed an odd card to pick, as snowdrops are a flower of February rather than May. They are one of the first flowers to bloom, while ice and frost are still on the ground. Even the meaning given in the book that comes with the deck says that in the language of flowers it means new hope because it announces the arrival of spring. Yet perhaps, for our strange times, it is the right card symbolically. The snowdrop flowers in the darkest times, and this card shows that love can bloom even in adversity. The petals look delicate, but they are hardier than they seem.

Be patient, take cautious steps in romance - whether that is a long-term relationship, a new one, or just the hope of love in the future. Future Beltanes will be times for passion, for partying, dancing and making merry with with wild abandon. For now, be cautious and sensible. Do not rush into things, but go slowly and carefully. Enjoy the early flowers of love, for they are as precious as the blossom of May.

You can view The Flowers of Love Oracle on Amazon.

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