In the past I've found that scrying every day for a month, just for a short while, is a good practice. After scrying, I make notes of the session to keep a record of things I've seen as well as the phase of the moon and any other factors. It's particularly useful to chart the moon phases, to see what difference that can make.
Although I took that picture of my candlestick, cauldron and crystal ball during daylight, I prefer to scry by candlelight just after dusk. November is, of course, perfect for that as dusk comes early.
Another thing I'll be doing in November is writing more blog posts with tales from my witch room. Back in 2018 one of my new year resolutions was to blog about some of the items in my witchy room, although I first did a post of that kind back in 2016, when I wrote about decorating the room. In 2018 each month I focused on a different aspect of the room and the items in it. You can see links to some of those posts below.
Thanks Lucya this is useful advice for another lockdown. BB to you and hope you have some epic insights
Thank you Lucya for motivating me to spend more time in my witch room and less time slumped in front of gratuitous telly! I've got a month to devote to getting my diet and exercise in order, with plenty of reading and scrying. TV is the biggest obstacle to progress!
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