Friday, 1 January 2021

The Bad Witch's 10 New Year Resolutions for 2021

This year could be one of hope and emergence from hard times, but the next few months will without doubt be difficult for many, and uncertainty lies beyond. Nevertheless, I'm making a list of  10 new year resolutions for 2021, as I usually do at the start of each January. There are some things I planned last year, but couldn't do, one I started last year and want to continue, and some new things.

  1. Do some form of divination at least once a month and blog about it
  2. Start a new Facebook Live series and share the videos on my YouTube channel
  3. Do more research into the history and folklore of my local area and blog about it
  4. Continue using the London Lore Tarot to explore esoteric London
  5. Start to visit all the Hawksmoor churches and blog about them. 
  6. Blog about the trees of London
  7. Walk a lost river in London
  8. Visit a historic or sacred site outside London I've not been to before
  9. Finish writing another book
  10. Create a candle labyrinth

Whatever your plans, I hope 2021 offers you all the opportunities you want. Happy New Year!

The photo shows the calendar at the start of my We'Moon diary and The London Lore Tarot.

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Jane said...

Facebook Live sounds great, Lucya. Better grab a slot that doesn't clash with the others in the witchy network! Lots of us'll be there when it happens - looking forward to it. Good luck with all your resolutions. I'll be pleased if I can achieve just one!!!

Badwitch said...

Thank you!