Thursday, 22 April 2021

Spells: An Earth Dragon Drumming Chant for Earth Day

Today is Earth Day and a theme this year is Restore Our Earth. You can find out more about Earth Day and official online events here. 

I've written some words for today that could be chanted while drumming, clapping, or just on their own. They are a plea to the Earth Dragon for strength and energy so we can each as individuals do more to protect the land. 

I was inspired for this partly because tomorrow is St George's Day, but also because of Dragon Environmental Network, a pagan group that has been involved in doing magical work for environmental causes.

Earth Dragon
Here my plea
Earth Dragon
Come to me

Earth Dragon
Guide my hand
To protect
This sacred land

Give me strength
And grant to me
Earth Dragon

At this time
Of spring’s rebirth
Help me to
Restore our Earth

Earth Dragon
Hear my plea
Earth Dragon
Blessed be

The picture shows the Earth Day Flag.

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