Friday, 2 July 2021

Magic for the Day: Rune Lore for the Middle of the Year

Today, July 2, is the exact middle of the year in 2021. Today's entry in Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days is by Carol Tierney, and offers some Rune Lore insight into the significance of the day.
Raidho Rune Lore: July 2nd is the midpoint of the year, 182 days before and after the New Year. This makes it an excellent time to consider where you are and whether you need to make any changes in your life. If you find you aren’t making the progress you need, Raidho is the rune of movement and can be invoked to help you on your way. Research what it looks like, then wear it on an amulet or paint it in oil. It will help keep things moving. Carol Tierney

Every Day Magic is a community book of spells, rituals, meditations, craft projects, festivals and other things to enjoy each day of the year. You can view Every Day Magic on Amazon. It is published by Moon Books.

I'll also be talking more about the significance of days in July, including traditional festivals, anniversaries, weather lore and spells in my Facebook Live talk on Magic for the Month, at 4pm this afternoon. Do come and watch if you are free, or catch the video recording later. Here are the details:

Links and previous related posts

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