The Autumn Equinox, when the day and night are in balance, is on Friday September 23, but celebrations of the festival are taking place this weekend and over the next week. Here's a listing of pagan and witchy events over that time in or near London, because that's where I live, but I also a few celebrations further afield and plenty online that you can enjoy anywhere.
Now - 25 September. Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic. Exhibition at the British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Tickets: £15 for adults/free for members.
Now to 6 January 2023; Wicked Spirits? Witchcraft and Magic. Exhibition at Colchester Castle, Essex, CO1 1TJ.
Every Wednesday and Friday; Open Days at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am - 4pm. Free, just pop in.
Now - Sunday 18 September; Scottish Goddesss Conference. Online event. Tickets from £37.50
Wednesday 14 September; Working with the Spirit Doctors and the Spirit World. Start of six-session course run by Susan Gash via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event.
Time: 5pm. Tickets: £175.
Wednesday 14 September (every Wednesdays); Evening Sound Bath Meditation. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £15.
Thursday 15 September; Saira Hunjan talking about The All Seeing Heart Oracle Deck. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 19-21 Cecil Court, · London WC2N 4EZ. Free event. Time: 5.30pm.
Thursday 15 September (every Thursday); Dr Becky Smith on 'The Alleged Haunting of the Station Hotel, Dudley'. Talk on a paranormal subject for ASSAP members. Time: 7pm. Free event, with Zoom link details emailed out to members. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit
Thursday 15 September; Menstrual Health. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35.
Thursday 15 September; Lincolnshire Witches; Sympathetic Magic. Online event via Heritage Lincolnshire. Time: 7pm. Tickets from £5.81.
Thursday 15 September; Moon and Tide Magic. Workshop with Levannah Morgan via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.
Thursday 15 September; Folklore, the Gothic and Urban Myth in Scooby-Doo. Zoom talk by Mark Norman through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.75.
Thursday 15 September; Hair and bone, blood and milk - dark tales of magic and body parts Online event by Jason Buck Storyteller, Amelia Armande and Joshua Crisp. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · £2.50-£9.50.
Friday 16 September (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.
Friday 16 September; Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Itzhak Beery. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £75.
Friday 16 September; Laughter Yoga Playshop. Time: Time: 7pm. Free online event but donations welcome.
Friday 16 September; Meditation Session. Time: 7.30pm. Free online event but donations welcome.
Saturday 17 September; Folklore for All. Online conference by the Folklore Society. Time: 9.30am Tickets: £20.
Saturday 17 September; Four online talks on astrology via the Astrological Lodge of London. Heliocentrism: The Life of Nicolaus Copernicus by Wanda Sellar at 10am. Kepler: Pioneer of Science or the Last Pythagorean? by Bernard Eccles at 11.30am. Longitude: John Flamsteed’s Challenge by Gill Dorren at 1.30pm. A Shift in Time by Chris Mitchell at 3pm Tickets £20 for all the talks.
Saturday 17 September; Sound and Cacao Ceremony. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 11am. Tickets: £35.
Saturday 17 September; Sweat Lodge organised by Aho Studio. In-person event. Venue: Berkeley farm, a few miles outside London. Time: 1pm - 6pm. Tickets: £80.
Saturday 17 September; Watchers of the Old Ways Autumn Equinox Ceremony at the Rollright Stones, Chipping Norton. Gather from 1pm.
Saturday 17 September; The Stones of Your Landscape: Their Medicine, Magic, and Myth. Workshop with Nicholas Pearson via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event.
Time: 2pm. Tickets: £80.
Saturday 17 September; Walking in the footsteps of your worth, at this Mabon solar festival. Guided walk by Jeremy Rye. Meet outside the Globe Gates, Bankside, London, SE1 9JE. Time: 2pm. Tickets:£25.
Saturday 17 September (and other dates); The Pantheon of Pancras: Walking tour of London via Minimum Labyrinth. Time: 2pm. Tickets £15.
Saturday 17 September; Woodland Autumn Equinox Ceremony and Seasonal Gathering with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Meet at the entrance to Queen's Woods, Queenswood Rd, Highgate, London N6 5UU. Time: 3pm. Tickets: £7/£5.
Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 September; Ninefold Festival 2022 Mother of Inspiration: Honoring the Traditions and Spirit of Wales. Online event. Starts 3pm. Tickets $30/$60/$90.
Saturday 17 September; OBOD Alban Elfed/Autumn Equinox Online Ceremony by Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Free public event. Time: 7pm.
Sunday 18 September; Shamanic Divination and Diagnostic Techniques. In-person workshop with Itzhak Beery. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am-5pm. Tickets: £115.
Sunday 18 September; Mythic London Super-Walk. Three hour walk with Caroline Wise, co-author of The Sceret Lore of London. In-person event via Treadwell's. Meet outside St Clement Danes, Strand, St Clement Dane Church, Strand, Temple, London WC2R 1DH. Time: 11.20am start. Tickets: £30.
Sunday 18 September; Lenormand Cards: A Perfect Tool for Psychic Development. Online workshop with Geoffrey Beitz via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: noon. Tickets: £80.
Sunday 18 September; Anderida Gorsedd Druidic Autumn Equinox Ritual at The Long Man of Wilmington, Sussex. Meet at 1.30pm at the Long Man of Wilmington car park, for a walk up the hill at 2pm. Then a social at the Giant's Rest pub. Free event.
Sunday 18 September; Dawn of the Oak. Pagan moot. Venue: The Sir John Oldcastle, Farringdon Road/Greville Street, London EC1M 3JF. Time: 3pm.
Sunday 18 September; Autumn Equinox Celebration. Venue: Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Place, London NW3 1NG. Time: 7pm.
Sunday 18 September; There’s dark…and then there’s jet-black. Online talk with Sarah Steele via Magickal Women and Company. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £5
Sunday 18 September; Witch Trials in Iceland (1600 - 1720). Zoom talk by Dr Louise Fenton through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Sunday 18 September; Queens in Exile: Glamour Magic, Tudor Queens and You. Zoom talk by Deborah Castellano through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £13.13.
Monday 19 September; Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Although this isn't a pagan event, the day has been declared a Bank Holiday and I am not listing other events taking place on the day in respect for those who mourn her.
Tuesday 20 September; Explore Your Psychic and Mediumistic Abilities. Start of 10-session class taught by Maria Antoniou, via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £220.
Tuesday 20 September; Intuitive Art: Connect With Your Inner Tutor. Two-session class taught by June-Elleni Laine, via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £105.
Tuesday 20 September; Shamanic Plant Spirit Ceremony. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.
Tuesday 20 September (date tbc but usually one Tuesday each month); Witches of London Gathering with Children of Artemis. Venue: Cittie of Yorke, 22 High Holborn, London WC1V 6BN. Time: 7.30pm. Free.
Wednesday 21 September (and other dates); Viktor Wynd's Guided Tour of His Museum and a Devil's Botany Absinthe. Venue: The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, 11 Mare Street, London, E8 4RP. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £16-£20.
Wednesday 21 September; Meeting Your Spirit Guides, Helpers and Gatekeepers. Start of 8-session evening class with Hernan Cotroneovia via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event.
Time: 7pm. Tickets: £220.
Wednesday 21 September; Sensory Sound and Gong Bath. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £40.
Wednesday 21 Septemner (tbc, usually 3rd Wednesday each month); The More Mead Moot. Venue: The Hope pub, Carshalton, Surrey, Time: 7.30pm. Free.
Wednesday 21 September; Awakening Wednesdays: Online Drop-in Group with Harry MacDonald via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £10 (free for members).
Thursday 22 September (and other dates); Morning Meditation. Free online event via Mirthy. Time: 9am.
Thursday 22 September; Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 for non members.
Thursday 22 September; Christian Giudice talking about Occult Imperium. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 19-21 Cecil Court, · London WC2N 4EZ. Free event. Time: 5.30pm.
Thursday 22 and 29 September; Wandering, Writing, Magic: The Art of Psychogeography Creative Writing Workshop with Lucy Furlong via Magickal Women and Company. Two-session online workshop. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35
Thursday 22 September; Burn the Witch! The Fight Against Witchcraft in Ancient Mesopotamia. Online talk by Dr Alinda Damsma via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £16.
Thursday 22 September; A Journey with Spirit. Start of 10-week online course by Gary Wright via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £240.
Thursday 22 September; Autumn Equinox Ceremony. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £45.
Thursday 22 September; The Meaning of Witchcraft. Lectureby Julian Vayne via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.
Thursday 22 September; PF London Autumn Equinox Open Ritual 'Calling the Beasts' - Shamanic Power Animal Dance!. Venue: Pirate Castle, Gilbey's Wharf Oval Road NW1 7EA London, UK Time: 7pm. Entry £8 for PF members, £10 for non-members.
Friday 23 September; Autumn Equinox Ceremony by Aho Studio. In-person event. Venue: Berkeley Farm, Lambourne End, Romford, RM4 1NH, a few miles outside London. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £10.
Friday 23 - Sunday 25 September; Women's Tribal Memories. Venue: Shamanic Centre Caer Corhrain, Kent. Camping event. Tickets: £150 includes food Saturday and Sunday.
Friday 23 September; Online Guided Journey with Goddess Athena for the Autumn Equinox by Under the Dancing Tree and Rachel Sarah. Time: 7pm.
Friday 23 September; Women's Circle for Mabon - part of the Women's Circles collection by The Reformed Bohemian. Online event. Time: 7pm. Tickets by donation.
Friday 23 September; Chromatic - Colour, Sound and Light Bath. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30.
Friday 23 September; Equinox - an online celebration with Cunning Folk. Time: 7pm, Free but you must register for a ticket.
Friday 23 September (every 23rd of the month); Crossbones Vigil to honour the outcast dead of Crossbones Graveyard, Southwark. Location: Redcross Way, London, SE1 1TA. Time: 6.45pm for 7pm. Free. Details here:
Saturday 24 September; Weaving Celtic Wisdom. Start of ten-session course run by Gary Wright, via the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 11am. Tickets: £250.
Saturday 24 September; Listening to Nature. Workshop with Peggy Deadman, Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am. Tickets: £115.
Saturday 24 September; What's Your Story - Shamanic Event. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 11am. Tickets: £35.
Saturday 24 September; New Moon Women Circle with Moon Circles, Ceremonies, Meditations and More. Venue: Tooting, London SW17. Time: noon. Tickets: by donation.
Saturday 24 September; Autumn Equinox Gorsedd 2022 by Kent Gorsedd. Venue: Coldrum Long Barrow, Trottiscliffe, Kent. Free event. Time: Meet at the car park at noon.
Saturday 24 - Sunday 25 September; Sigils, Servitors and Possession States. In person workshop
over two-days, led by Mark Vincent Smith. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. Starts: 1pm Saturday. Tickets: £140.
over two-days, led by Mark Vincent Smith. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. Starts: 1pm Saturday. Tickets: £140.
Saturday 24 September; The Fairy Realm. Online workshop with Rachel Patterson, via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £75.
Saturday 24 September; Vision Questing with the Goddess Quan Yin. Venue: Wicca Moon, 50 Well Hall Road, London SE9 6SH. Time: 3pm. Tickets: £20.
Saturday 24 September; Turn of the seasons - Autumn by .The Connective Space. Estelle Asselin. Venue: Epping Forest, 6 Rangers Road, Chingford, London, E4 7HQ. Time: 4pm. Tickets: £13.52 – £27.54.
Saturday 24 September; Autumn Equinox Goddess Circle by Claudia Chapman Reikilifecoach. Venue: 116 Whitehouse Way, London, N14 7LU. Time: 5pm. Tickets: £23.
Saturday 24 September; Equinox Boat Burn. Venue: Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton Lane, Chalton, Hants. Time: 5pm.
Saturday 24 September; Autumn Equinox Ceremony by Priest of Indigo Earth Joseph Atiase. Venue: Hackney Marshes, 146 Lea Bridge Road, London, E5 9RB. Time: 6pm. Tickets by donation.
Saturday 24 September; Detegitur Benignitas Superna: Qabalah and the Early Days of Wicca. Zoom talk by Jack Chanek, hosted by Dr. Amy Hale through The Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Sunday 25 September; Embodied Tarot - Minor Arcana. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 11am. Tickets: £35.
Sunday 25 September; Mindfulness in Nature - a relaxing Sunday afternoon mini-retreat by Symbiosia. Venue: Symbiosia, 28A Wynell Road, London SE23 2LW. Time: 1.30pm. Tickets: £9.75
Sunday 25 September; Deer-Watch in Richmond Park: Antlered God and Goddess Rite with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Meet at Richmond Gate, Richmond Park, London TW10. Time: 2pm. Tickets: Free but you must reserve a place.
Sunday 25 September (and other dates); Sensual Awakening Tea Ceremony and Feminine Embodiment. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 2.30pm. Tickets: £35.
Sunday 25 September; Woodland Bard Online - Blackthorn pt 2. Event by Walkwithtrees. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £7.
Sunday 25 September; New Moon In Libra Circle. Venue: She's Lost Control, Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15-£25.
Sunday 25 September; Moonology Dark Moon Ritual with Yasmin Boland. On Facebook Live. Time: 6pm. Free.
Sunday 25 September; The Toys of Torment and Transcendence. Online talk with Harper Feist via Magickal Women and Company. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10.
Sunday 25 September; Vodou and Art : Between the altar and the market. Zoom talk by by Leah Gordon through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.
Please note: I do not organise any of these events. I try to make sure all details are correct, but contact the organisers of any event you are interested in for more information before turning up. If you know of something you want listed, please email the details to me at
There are so many great events. I really wish I could live in or around London so I could be there for these great events. But thank you for posting them. I can at least go online.
I wish I had time and space to list events all over the world! Maybe someone does a similar list for your area?
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